I love Harry Potter... But this really should have been written as a book, not a screenplay.
I love Harry Potter... But this really should have been written as a book, not a screenplay.
I think I've figured out why some folks don't like this... The HP books really lose something without JK Rowling's descriptions of things. That being said, I work in theater - bring on part 2!
I've been having a problem with hating the endings of books recently, but this was pretty great up until the last section, so read it!
After loving the first 4 books, I'm having a hard time caring about these books anymore...
A recent trip to Appomattox Court House rekindled my love of the Civil War, so here I am!
This book was great, but anything involving Bill and Doug drove me up the wall and had me skipping pages
Minor pet peeve - A Red Sox game is a minor plot point in this book, and the author makes up one character and uses a real pitcher for the other... Except the pitcher retired 2 years before the book takes place. Just make everyone up!
As a note, you will only like this book if you like the nerdy side of baseball. That being said? Chapter 9 is about the first openly gay professional baseball player (a pitcher named Sean Conroy) and it is AMAZING
And now my every-so-often foray into baseball's nerdy side
I mean, it's a Mary Roach book - of course it's great
As a man, this chapter, and the one preceding it, pains me on several levels
It's like World War Z but with alien robots. If any of those things sound awesome to you, get this book
A little over 2 years ago, I saw a book for an ad called S. in a copy of the Metro, bought it, and loved how crazy and inventive it was. The story here isn't anything new, exciting, or amazing, but the presentation reminds me so much of S that I love it regardless regardless
An "illuminated novel"... Intriguing. Sign me up!
A bit of a clunker at the end, but the rest of the book was good enough that I can forgive that
Pretty excellent side characters and Princess Leia being a badass? Sign me up
Larson continues to make history interesting... Even sad history