My bookish Year in review...and I still might be able to squeeze one more book in before midnight strikes tomorrow
My bookish Year in review...and I still might be able to squeeze one more book in before midnight strikes tomorrow
Good book, I enjoyed it, but it wasn't anything to write home about...but that cover though...absolutely stunning!!
Amazingly cool concept that could have gone terribly wrong, but I absolutely loved it...definitely looking forward to getting my hands on the sequel
My #currentread ...it's a little slow to start and the footnotes, while entertaining, are starting to get on my nerves...I fell like they take me out of the story...but I am still holding out hope that it will be an amazing read
Finally diving into this one (actually it will be the third time I have tried to read this classic). I am bound and determined to get through it this time! It might take me a while, but wish me luck.
Ode to bacon..."Bacon is Good"