Just dropped my daughter at dance class and the boys are at baseball practices. Now I am ready for a little me time with my book! #readingmom
Just dropped my daughter at dance class and the boys are at baseball practices. Now I am ready for a little me time with my book! #readingmom
I just want a few days off to finish this series!
5/5 ⭐
These books just keep getting better. To many things happend since the first book and the plot twist, just mind blowing. You can always try to guess, theres always something happening to surprise you.
Theres adventure, action, romance and magic. It's a unique story. The writing and the story will keep you motivated to keep on reading. I can't never recommend these books enough.
They are number 1 in my top 5 favorite series. ❤
Best out of the four I‘ve read so far! On to #5 🙃
“Because if you don‘t choose to fight against the wrong in the world, then you are the wrong in the world.”
Truer words have never been spoken!
#frozentides #bookquote #riseup
I just got this bookmark as a gift. My friend was being funny, I hate bananas. But it is the thought that counts.
I read the first three books in the series a long time back, probably two or three years back. I was in love with this series then and I am still in love.
In this book, there were a lot of twists and turns that I never expected. A number of time I was like no!!! this didn't happen or that didn't happen.
I cannot wait to read the next book in the series.
So I compared book 1 of this series to a box of Timbits...not so special but sometimes satisfying in the right circumstances.
Book 4...I'm sort of feeling like I've had enough donuts.
First book of 2017 down. This was actually a DNF for me last year at 48% but after feeling ill the last couple of days it was just the right book to read. Nice and easy and a world I'm already familiar with. ⭐⭐⭐
I have really enjoyed the Falling Kingdoms series. I can't wait to read this installment!
#frozentides #fallingkingdoms #YA #hotchocolate
Love this series...so much corruption, betrayal, and badassery
#frozentides #morganrhodes #fallingkingdoms
"Her pain was so great that it was the only thing she'd wanted to share with the world."
"Because if you don't choose to fight against the wrong in this world, then you are the wrong in the world."