Set in the time of Elizabeth 1 I loved this. Not as long as the others but really enjoyable.
Set in the time of Elizabeth 1 I loved this. Not as long as the others but really enjoyable.
Just as addictive as Pillars of the Earth and hugely enjoyable.
Gripping and addictive, although the ending was slightly unbelievable. But good characters and lots of twists.
Engrossing and sprawling. Slightly 2D characters at times but completely addictive and engaging.
Very addictive and engrossing. Loved all the characters and how it wended it's way through time. Potentially a slightly disappointing ending but still enjoyable.
Beautifully written but with largely unsympathetic characters. Felt like looking into a brief window of people's lives. Not an easy read.
Engaging, but pretty much the same format/story as the midnight rose and written in the same style. It didn't leave me wanting to read more Lucinda Riley books but again, it was entertaining.
Engaging and addictive, complete escapism but bordering sightly on a fan-fiction type style. Predictable but mindless and entertaining