Really enjoyed this one. Somehow I got ahead in the series with the last one, so this explained some of the head-scratching things in that one. Actually this was probably the most enjoyable of the Sigma Force set.
Really enjoyed this one. Somehow I got ahead in the series with the last one, so this explained some of the head-scratching things in that one. Actually this was probably the most enjoyable of the Sigma Force set.
With all of the hoopla regarding the new movie, I couldn‘t resist this book. I really enjoyed getting a bit of the backstory of the three characters Finn, Rey, and Poe. Not any earth-shattering revelations but rollicking good fun.
Loved this book. Love his prose, his wacky sense of humor, how his characters grow and change, and did I mention his sense of humor? My family wonders if I‘m cracking up as I gufffaw and chortle every chapter. Such a shame Pratchett passed away. Thanks to my daughter for picking this up for me. It‘s probably been more than a decade since I read it.
You expected him any moment to break into the kind of song that has suspicious rhymes and phrases like ‘my kind of town‘ in it; the kind of song where people dance in the street and give the singer apples and join in and a dozen lowly match girls suddenly show amazing choeographical ability as everyone acts like cheery lovable citizens instead of the murderous evil-minded, self-centered individuals they suspect themselves to be. LOVE THIS
If you've read this book, this blurb makes a lot of sense and explains so much of their outlook. Depressing, but it's what Syenite has gone through. The courage they show in going forward, day after day, fighting against this awareness. Bleak, but moving.
About 100 pages in, this book is just as good as the first one.
A bit more than half- done. Really enjoying it now that I'm recovering from operation. I especially like the main characters Faith and Sophie and their sisterly exchanges. Not quite sure how it will finish. But an enjoyable zombie adventure at any rate.