“The way ahead was like the edge of a cliff, like the drop out the tower windows. The way ahead was full of all the things I didn‘t know. Sometimes what looks like shelter is only menace.”
“The way ahead was like the edge of a cliff, like the drop out the tower windows. The way ahead was full of all the things I didn‘t know. Sometimes what looks like shelter is only menace.”
“ The space within theatre walls is one of the dark wombs where souls nestle, watching the flickering of the past. Every movie is a record of a lost reality.” 14
So horror movie rule= never bring dead things back to life, especially not loved ones, because they never come back right!
Well guess God never had the luxury of watching horror movies at the time of Christ‘s resurrection! Because Christ‘s body lived o, but someone else slipped in, with no memories of who or what they did before and only Christs memories and a lack of the grace he once possessed. Cross now lives in his form, centuries later.
"They have it all wrong", she said that time. "There
aren't any other universes. There are only other books".
Make of that what you will!"
I actually loved this alien invasion/plant apocalyptic narrative. It was definitely a very fresh take, yet heavily inspired by Cold War sci fiction alien invasion stories like Day of the Triffids (or John Wyndham ‘s work in general), Invasion of the Body Snatchers, etc. I loved the critical analysis of the ethics of colonialism and colonization. It was definitely a great read
“He only looked at one picture at a time. Savoring it. Cherishing it. Trying to imagine the words that might go with such fantastical pictures. He didn‘t even feel the need to sneak out the window anymore. The book was his window now.” (1%)
“She warped reality around her, inheriting her father‘s particular gift of the con. Nobody could see the cracks beneath the veneer, because she wore enough lip gloss to cover them.”
“Yeah, her books feed the masses delicious morsels of sex and cheap scares.”
Human deviousness is no secret. Just look at them.
“Scream if you need anything. I‘ll be back to haunt you.”
“It was a strange configuration that just looked wrong, and I got a little obsessed with it.”
Horror Quote of the Day:Wicked Jenny
“In the meantime, the girls had shown good sense and moved away, allowing the stupid boys to carry on the way stupid boys often did.”
Horribly repetitive and frustrating paragraph length run on sentences that often just reword the same ideas from the last four pages. I read 68% of the book and then dnf‘d it because I hated it so much and didn‘t want to waste my time on something I hated so much when I could read something that enjoyable or interesting. I got this ebook an arc copy from edelweiss plus and I‘m grateful to the publisher for sending it but not for me.
“But I‘m finished looking at what used to be. It was all bullshit anyways.”
This is my absolute favourite novella from this series by RDSP. It was so well written you don‘t even see the genre switching twist ending coming but when it does it shocks you and makes you think WTF did I just read ( in the best way possible). Eden is such a master that in the end you realize that the clues where there all along. I walked away wondering why did that book have to end? What am I going to read next that‘s even comparable?
Part 2.
She may be a princess at Disneyland but let's be real at the end of the day, she's got acting and Hollywood in her blood.Just because she works at the happiest place on earth does NOT mean she's nice girl. Actually it's probably safest if you don't meet her in person at all. Instead you should probably just read about her through C.J. Leede‘s new novel Maeve Fly. Trust me, she's gonna be someone soon just you wait, I'm always right!
Part one
Let me introduce you all to a new friend of mine, Maeve Fly. But before you meet her you need to know a few things. For one, she's a wolf in sheep's clothing. So beware, she does bite and it's way worse than her bark.
“Her voicemails are digital mosquitoes buzzing about his ear at all hours of the day— and night—hungry for blood.”
-regarding his mother‘s persistent phone calls warning him of potential dangers if he doesn‘t leave the city
“It was enjoyable in a holy-shit-is-this-horror-show-for-real kinda way.You just had to see it to believe it. See it to believe.”
“I love Halloween because all the time, everyone wears masks. But one night a year, they do it openly. The dark and forbidden things they wish to be but deny themselves, on Halloween they don‘t. On Halloween, they embrace it, all of it. The hidden parts of the world are exposed, if only for one night. And those things that are truly dark are a little less alone.”