Such a sweet and thought provoking novel about life and people. I loved Ove and enjoyed every minute I spent with him!
Such a sweet and thought provoking novel about life and people. I loved Ove and enjoyed every minute I spent with him!
What a hilarious and exciting character! I loved the perspective of Dennis and laughed many times at the lovely dry wit. Written beautifully! I'll not lie, I feel like I may be a little too similar to our ditsy, passionate heroine haha
So I know this is a classic. It seems to be because of the premise. It's an interesting take on what the world could have been, and as a bibliophile, the idea of burning books is horrifying! But I just could not connect to the character at all and felt like I was forcing myself to finish.
A darkly beautiful fairy tale retelling. I loved the strong Red character, about time the damsel and hero get to be equals in the resolution!
A fun epic fantasy that hooked me! It's clean of language and raunche for you that care, and I loved the characters. So fun to read epics written by a female in a female perspective. It's a trilogy and I'm exited to read the rest!
Great world building, fun magic, and relatable characters. I was hooked from the prologue! The story switches between perspectives and does so without feeling clunky. Also, I wasn't overwhelmed by the world building even though it's an epic fantasy. listened to the audio book on this one and the reader was wonderful! Strong female lead, lgbtq friendly, and a cast full of racial variety. A great read and I'm excited for the next two!
OK. This was a 3/5 for me. I LOVED the world Herbert built and the story itself was super interesting! However, the writing was rather clunky and confusing and I kept having to reread parts just to understand what was happening! It was surprising to see how later Sci-fi stories took ideas from this one, and there were so many cool ideas and quotes. But a book that takes 100 pages before I even understand let alone get invested in?? Nope.
A beautiful story of a witch born in the house of Helios. Ah, the power of a woman and especially a woman who was wronged! Miller wrote so simply and powerfully, especially considering a big part of this book is a woman on an island by herself. I was never bored and loved every page of prose!
Wow! This book has been my favorite of the year so far! What a happy, beautiful story! It's got everything I love: poetic prose, humerous and relatable quirky characters, and a little bit of magic. I loved every page and had the constant battle of not being able to put it down and never wanting it to end. 10/10