This was a very powerful book. You feel the emotions Maddy goes through and it's almost as if you experience everything yourself. There's such a profound relief at the end, which I think the author wants you to feel. I recommend this great read.
This was a very powerful book. You feel the emotions Maddy goes through and it's almost as if you experience everything yourself. There's such a profound relief at the end, which I think the author wants you to feel. I recommend this great read.
Windwitch is a good sequel to Truthwitch. There was excessive jumping around in this one, which made it very hard to follow. The story concept itself is still good, but that issue does distract from the story a bit. The next book isn't supposed to be out until 2019 so we have long time to wait to see what happens!
This was a fun YA novel. It does jump around a bit too much to be followed easy, but the story is worth it. It's a fun adventure and follows the qualities of friendship and loyalty. The different types of witcheries are intriguing and exciting to learn about.
This was a fun one. It was very relatable and laugh out loud at times. It's a romance novel but not a fluffy, cutsie one. There's real life conflict, misunderstandings, and hilarious situations.
Just a few chapters into this book and man is it powerful! This has a very uncomfortable subject but it's very well done.
Great historical fiction, Burton really did her research. It was a bit slow at times but the fast paced parts made up for that with their content. A few plot points were predicable, but still held a few surprises. I would read this again.
A great read so far. It feels a bit like Jurassic Park in space.
Getting ready to read! I have high hopes for this one!