Wanted to read this one for a while and finally bought it
Wanted to read this one for a while and finally bought it
A science fiction novel that I was dreading reading for my senior English class however ended up loving it so much I bought my own copy. A true adventure that closes with an intense ending that brings the entire story together.
Honestly did not find this book to be very interesting. I respect the idea behind it but it felt empty and purposeless. There are a few quirky stories told that had potential but many moments where I was thinking "TMI."
My favorite teen romance series read in high school that sticks with the trend of "opposites attract" through out each book.
This was a thrilling horror series for teens that I surprisingly enjoyed. While I expected the "horror" scenes to be cheesy they managed to spook me however never become too much. It would be a fun October read.
Very good, unique series I read in early high school. Very much like the hunger games but still completely its own story.
This is the first book in a series of 4, with even more reads and movies. These books are incredibly twisted, disturbing, and yet pull you in almost immediately. You find yourself feeling sorry for the characters, yelling at them and rooting for them even though you don't want to. High School+
Jason Myers has a unique and blunt style of writing. I wouldn't recommend his books for teens under high school. This is one of my favorite books overall, however the only book by Jason Myers that I liked. "Dead End" is a thrilling romance and tragedy that brought me to tears by the end.
This was a college read. I wasn't sure if I enjoyed this book or not at first however the deeper you get into the story the more you start to understand the main character. There were shocking, completely unexpected moments that made the book great.
I read this intense novel in 8th grade, however I wouldn't recommend it for anyone younger than 13. It's a shocking and emotional story of girl who has committed suicide and what and who lead her down that path. Still one of the best books I've read, it's stuck with me.
This fun and unique series is perfect for early teens. Definitely one of my favorites From my middle school reads, and I've held onto them ever since!
John Green's "looking for alaska" is in my opinion the best book that I've read by him so far. I couldn't even finish "the fault in our stars" and "paper towns" was funny at moments but overall not great. I had almost given up on his books completely however this one was worth the read.