Reading a lovely book on a lovely fall day
Five out of five. While the book takes place in the same town as the Plainsong trilogy, it's a stand alone novel. It's a very fast read, and it's a heartbreaker. The characters are imperfect and true. Everyone over age fifty should read this book.
Hill often has lines in his books that crack me up. Like father like son, I guess.
Four out of five stars. A southern story of a tangled family in Mississippi and what happens when one of the sons gets out of the pen. The writing is stellar. While not quite Southern Gothic, it comes close. I'll read others by this author. #southernbookaward
Rating a 3 out of five. This is my second and final Slaughter book. She writes well, tells a good story, and has good twists and turns. My problem is her books are far too graphic for me...and that's saying something because I eat crime thrillers for breakfast.
Oh my goodness. I laughed until I cried in the chapter where Ove teaches Parvaneh how to drive. I needed that.
Suicide is not the answer. Take Stephen King's advice, and call the number above ( 1 800 273-TALK)if you are feeling hopeless. People do care.
Last day of vacation with temps below freezing. I should grade those essays. Do laundry. Walk the dogs. Or I could read. 😜
http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/herocomplex/la-et-hc-love-is-love-comic-orl.... This is available on Amazon. All $$ goes to benefit victims of Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando last June. As an aside, cousin Dan Schkade has a role in creating one of the included stories.
A worthy sequel to Mr. Mercedes. Lots of literary references for an English teacher to love. I especially liked "The Rocking Horse Winner" allusions. Only a hint of the supernatural King, but I expect more of that in the third book. In other news, I've been gone from Litsy for months because life got in the way. Hopefully, I'm back! #imback #stephenking #christmasreading
I was looking through this old cookbook (1955) of my mom's. Two things stood out to me. One, food photography has come a long way. Two, ashtrays on the table during dinner. !! #bookndinner
About three weeks ago I entered a contest on the Litsy Facebook page celebrating 10000 #litsy followers. #penguinrandomhouse drew my name and I won five books! Along with these five books, I had 18 copies of Macbeth arrive today, too. (I will be teaching it this semester.). A good mail day!
Set up my classroom today. This is part of my class library. I love the gutters I nailed up to hold books. Swim the Fly is a popular book...I think I'm on my fourth copy. They keep disappearing.
When my 13 year old was little, she loved the Skippyjon Jones books. They were so fun to read aloud. #Shelfie
I think I need more of a musical background to really get this book. I tried, though! Photo is of my husband's Grandpa, musician. #augustphotochallenge #augustbookchallenge #bookplusmusic #augustofpages #booksandmusic
My dog is not as big of an Amy Poehler fan as I am. #augustphotochallenge #augustbookchallenge #augustofbooks #funnybooks
I ❤️ #poetry. Anthologies, Billy Collins, Mary Oliver, Emily Dickinson. All of it, although I may prefer modern. #augustphotochallenge #augustbookchallenge
This copy is from the 1940's. It was a gift from a boyfriend who knew I read this series as a kid. #augustbookchallenge #usedbook #vintagebook
4 out of 5 stars. Post-apocalyptic-ish. Doesn't speak well for humanity. Includes pop culture references and generally does them well. Good suspense. Only complaint was I felt like the characterization could have gone deeper.
4 out of 5 stars. Post-apocalyptic-ish. Doesn't speak well for humanity. Includes pop culture references and generally does them well. Good suspense. Only complaint was I felt like the characterization could have gone deeper.
4 out of 5 stars. Post-apocalyptic-ish. Doesn't speak well for humanity. Includes pop culture references and generally does them well. Good suspense. Only complaint was I felt like the characterization could have gone deeper.
4 out of 5 stars. Post-apocalyptic-ish. Doesn't speak well for humanity. Includes pop culture references and generally does them well. Good suspense. Only complaint was I felt like the characterization could have gone deeper.
4 out of 5 stars. Post-apocalyptic-ish. Doesn't speak well for humanity. Includes pop culture references and generally does them well. Good suspense. Only complaint was I felt like the characterization could have gone deeper.
4 out of 5 stars. Post-apocalyptic-ish. Doesn't speak well for humanity. Includes pop culture references and generally does them well. Good suspense. Only complaint was I felt like the characterization could have gone deeper.
4 out of 5 stars. Post-apocalyptic-ish. Doesn't speak well for humanity. Includes pop culture references and generally does them well. Good suspense. Only complaint was I felt like the characterization could have gone deeper.
4 out of 5 stars. Post-apocalyptic-ish. Doesn't speak well for humanity. Includes pop culture references and generally does them well. Good suspense. Only complaint was I felt like the characterization could have gone deeper.
This was my first Stephen King book in a decade and a half and I was surprised that it was not horror, but detective fiction. His style still draws the reader in. The suspense and tension can be unbearable at times. All in all, I am glad I returned to King. Plus, you have to love it when an author can subtly bring up previous books in a current one.
This is the first book I stayed up all night reading, way back when I was ten. Do you remember the first time you did this? What was the book? #allnighter
I loved King when I was younger, but I stopped reading him for some reason. I decided to dive in again with this one. The intro pulled me right in.
Not what I expected. It was...less. Ending was unsatisfying.
"Turns out I just want banana Popsicles dipped in Malibu rum...it means I'm successful in recognizing what the good things in life are for me." This is an eye opener. Success or happiness doesn't have to be fame or money. It's different for everyone.
Coloring is calming and the profanity amuses. I need both.
A parent tries to get a book banned (because it is about Muslims) and it just makes me want to read it and recommend it all the more.
Reading while my tween watches Victorious. Can y'all read while the tv is on? My husband doesn't understand.
This month's book group pick. Starts as a travelogue. If there isn't a story that shows up soon, it will be a slog.
This book is written so well that I am reading it more slowly than most mysteries.
TBR Tuesday. In the Woods is from the library, so I'll start with that one
Summer reading. I've always thought a young Julia Roberts ( Mystic Pizza era) would make a perfect Stephanie Plum. #fourthbookofsummer
With advance praise like this, who wouldn't want to read this book? #thirdbookofsummer
Second in the series. I didn't like the connection the FBI agent had with the female serial killer. I don't think I'll read the rest of the series. #2ndbookofsummer
The first in a series about a female serial killer, this book was written well, and it kept my interest. That being said, the ending seemed rushed. I prefer Chelsea Cain's Gretchen Lowell series, but I am about to start the second book in this one, Blood Moon. #firstbookofsummer
In my classroom library for my transgender students. I try to find books for everyone so they don't feel alone.
Lee Child's Jack Reacher books were my summer reading last year. I wonder what it will be this year? #summerreading #jackreacher
Remember when Go Ask Alice was considered nonfiction? This book may be decades old, but I still can't keep a copy in my classroom library for more than a month before someone "borrows" it and never returns it. (Photo of a bracelet made up of banned books). #tbt #bracelet #bannedbooks
I reread this recently as an adult. It's even more heartbreaking now. Plus, I read the relationship between Anne and her parents in an entirely different way. If you haven't read this since elementary school, I recommend you read it again.