The universe is exactly the size that your soul can encompass. Some people live in extremely small worlds, and some live in a world of infinite possibility.
The universe is exactly the size that your soul can encompass. Some people live in extremely small worlds, and some live in a world of infinite possibility.
You pick up a gun and fight for something, you best never change your mind. Right or wrong, you own your cause and you never, ever change your mind.
I actually kind of hated this book. Throughout, I wanted to punch Isabel in the throat. I'm not fully sure if that was the type of emotions the author was trying to get across, but that's how i felt. It did keep my attention, so it wasn't the worst thing ever.
When each day is the same as the next, it's because people fail to recognize the good things that happen in their lives every day the sun rises. ☀️
The Alchemist was decent. It was fast paced and I loved the theme. The wisdom behind it was awesome, in my opinion. I would reread it and, that is why, I gave it a pick.
I can understand now how you suffer when you're depressed; I always thought you liked it and I thought you could have snapped yourself out any time, if not alone, then by means of the mood organ. But when you get that depressed you don't care. Apathy, because you've lost a sense of worth. It doesn't matter whether you feel better, because if you have no worth -
I absolutely loved this book. With all the talk by my nerdy friends about Blade Runner, I kind of thought I would be disappointed. It took me a while to finally give it a chance (feared it was similar to 1984), but I couldn't put it down and would recommend it to anybody.
But once in a beautiful while, wisdom gained through frustration pays dividends.
I cannot tell you what exactly it was about this book, but I absolutely loved it. Smith's style, the characters, the concept.. perfect.
"Few persons suspected that behind those blue, perplexed eyes lay a world of acute and devastating observations. Little if anything escaped those eyes or failed to register a definite impression on the brain that directed them."
"All books consist of a multitude of combinations of letters. People arrange them on the pages automatically, guided by their feelings. And from this it follows that books originate not from a combination of letters and sounds, but from feelings outlined by people's imagination. The result is that the readers are aroused by approximately the same feelings as the writers, and such feelings can be recalled for a long time."