Another one in the collection, I love the full color plates in this book. Very awesome.
Another one in the collection, I love the full color plates in this book. Very awesome.
Excited to crack this one open. It's a whopper. Hand is for scale.
I love the introductions in this book. As Rosemary experiences it, the first day on the ship is dizzying at the rich complexity and speed of all the unfamiliar sights and experiences. It's wonderful and also, very tiring. I LOVE IT.
I bailed quickly. I guess I'm picky; it was just painful to read. Maybe just not my thing. Not going to bother with a photo. Unless you like mixing your metaphors like last year's nonsensical cocktail recipe... pass.
So I'm pretty much going through others' libraries. Which means that selection is... limited.
Zero grab. Pity. I read Enders Game, enjoyed it but this was drivel to my eyes. Sorry.
A wonderful repartee with the artist. The feeling and strength in his monochrome work is only outdone by the visceral nature of his work in pastel.
Fascinating. I'm extremely visual, while a "book" it reads like an anthology of the form, with all its visual messaging and context. I am inexorably smitten, in complete rapture for it.
This is the first book in the "Nick Seafort" saga. Formulaic, but impassioned, Nick is full of self loathing and dispassionate calculation. He is not fit for the job; but he is all there is left, when all hope is lost...
Nate Silver is a rarity: an approachable mathematician. If you work in any numbers oriented business you know how valuable this is. No spoilers, it's worth reading to get a feel for why credible hypotheses still don't work out, and some do.