Starting on this today
Outside on the balcony, sipping a cup of tea and reading some Sherlock Holmes.
My second time around! I'm reading (or actually listening) The Dark Tower again, I just couldn't keep away! And I liked The Gunslinger even better this time when I understand and know more. I am seriously obsessed by this series!
Finished this one today. I've listened to it as an audiobook (in swedish). It was good meeting Bill Hodges again although he wasn't the main character. The story really kept me on edge. A thriller but also a story about obssesion with litterature... Really enjoyed it!
@joe_hill A master of words! This line made me physically feel Vic's rising sense of panic. Things have already gone wrong but they are about to get so much worse!
Visiting London for the first time!!! Had to visit Waterstones by Picadilly and found there darlings - best of all a signed copy of The Hollow of the Hand!
Just finished reading this YA book. The story takes place in the early 90s and with it's referances to bands, movies and books it gives me a lot of flasbacks to my high school years. A story of love, friendship and depression. An ok book but not more. Got better in the end
Finished Rubbernecker by Belinda Bauer today. Bauer has become one of my favourite authors. I liked this one as well although far from her best. Pretty Raw and gory at times and the characters grew on me as the story went along.
This book started out really, really good and gave me the chills. Unfortunately it lost it's grip on me after about two thirds... The author made the mistake of explaining to much to the reader. I like writers that assumes that the readers are intelligent!
Best read so far this year!
Drinking coffee and reading on the computer... Definately preferring good old paperbacks...
Just finished this one about a brutal murder in my small hometown. It was ok, a summary of the case. What made it special to me is that I know and have connections with some of the people involved and ofcourse know the surroundings very well.