I'm very much enjoying this book right now. Lots of ideas. Lots of thoughts. Lots of fun.
I'm very much enjoying this book right now. Lots of ideas. Lots of thoughts. Lots of fun.
I was emotionally attached to Amanda. I appreciate this story and the world that Meredith Russo paints. It was heart breaking and beautiful. I just want everyone to love each other.
The second installment of the Shades of London series. Lots of drama, lots of internal conflict, lots of laughs! I love this series.
I got my book of the month book in the mail! I'm a bit behind with these but I'm super excited to read this. I love when book blurbs say that the book is "necessary" I can't wait to learn!!
This book was so amazing! It gave me anxiety and I loved it. It's the longest book I've read so far this year at just under 800 pages.