When every line is worth a quote #whatamasteroflanguage #waltwhitman #leavesofgrass
When every line is worth a quote #whatamasteroflanguage #waltwhitman #leavesofgrass
Amazed and awed and humbled by this book. It is part of the topic of defiance and disobedience that I made a point to read more on this year and so far the very best one out of those books. The kind of Book that stays with you for a long time. Think I will make a visit to Warsaw soon to pray my tributes #jewishresistance #warsawghetto #leonuris #mila18
Probably one of the most profound and heartbreaking books I've ever had the honor to read - I still have about 100 pages to go and no illusion about its ending but damn. Should be required reading in our schools in Germany.
Completely in love with this one. Very dark while being brutally funny; very absurd while brutally honest. The plot is original, the characters amazing, the history surrounding the book obviously very real. Felt sorry for all of the people crossing the devil and suffering for it. Probably going to end up as my top pick for 2017! #mikhailbulgakov #russianliterature #masterandmargarita
I did enjoy this book but overall Strayed appeared to be a bit too much in love with herself. Not very helpful if you are planning to hike the pct yourself. Nonetheless, it is entertaining, quite funny and an easy read, especially if you ignore the kitchen psychology she is prone to #wild #cherylstrayed
I left that book for someone to find at Zanzibar airport which says a lot about how much I liked it - I tend to carry books even thick ones like this one back to Berlin if I can't part with them. I am a big fan of Orhan Pamuk but this one simple didn't live up to others I read by him. The decisions of the male characters are sometimes hard to follow, while the women remain stale and flat. Still, an interesting read about Turkey's modernity.
"I knew that if I allowed fear to overtake me, my journey was doomed. Fear, to a great extent, is born of a story we tell ourselves, and so I chose to tell myself a different story from the one women are told. I decided I was safe. I was strong. I was brave. Nothing could vanquish me." - read this while waiting nervously for my flight to Arusha. Much needed words this morning!
I told my boyfriend that I wanted to hike the PCT once in my life and he gifted me this book. Not really something I would usually read and not my kind of language but paired with this breakfast in Stone Town not the very worst thing #cherylstrayed #pacificcresttrail #zanzibar #travelreads
Don't love this book as much as some of Pamuk's others but his storytelling abilities do capture my attention time and time again. And there is something surreal reading about Turkey on the verge of the beginning of the tragedies of the Second World War whilst on a beach in Zanzibar...#orhanpamuk #travelreads #zanzibar