Good ending to the series! Definitely has its flaws but loved it none the less. I recommend this to everyone that is into YA fantasy.
Good ending to the series! Definitely has its flaws but loved it none the less. I recommend this to everyone that is into YA fantasy.
UGGgggGggH it's soooo good to be back in this universe
Unbelievably slow. Cliché characters and an average plot. "Don't judge a book by its cover" sums up this book perfectly. Taylor's writing can be hard to understand at points, and there are pages and pages of back-to-back world building to the point where you forget what the story is even about. If you like a book that just explains an average fantasy world, this book is your dream. If you want plot and good character, avoid at all costs.
This book isn't anything special - like it's the kind of thing you'd pick up in an airport when your flight is delayed and never think of again.
Meyer is portraying Peony as some innocent sister that loves Cinder with all her heart BUT decides to give Cinder another thing to add to her to-do list when she knows that if she doesn't sort that magbelt for Adri she's not going to the ball ?????like what????
🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 WHAT A FANTASTIC BOOK!! I'm going to miss my Crows more than anything 💜
WHAT THE HELL WAS THIS BOOK??? I had to read it for my english class and didn't make it to the end because literally nothing happens in it. Honestly - if Motes handed me quicklime, I'd take it just so Id never have to look at this book again. Like The Violent Bear It Away, it was a classic for Southern Gothic, but don't try and read this for leisure. Just don't.
🌟🌟for it's genre, it was a classic - but I found myself SO bored and confused at points that I had to push myself to get through it.
so good to be back in this world!! loved every moment, but I'm with the people that thought it would have worked better as a book (in order to better explain some of the ideas) but loved everything else!! (ESP. scorpius)
This book wasn't nearly as good as the first one but it's an incredibly fast read that is super action packed. I don't like the writing style much and the ending was a tad anticlimactic but I love the characters and the idea so much that I will definitely be reading the next book whenever it comes out. definitely rec to people who love a lot of action and adventure in their books with less of a focus on character!!
I thought I would have forgotten all the different characters in this novel but I've picked it up with so much ease!
I don't know whether to read this or The Dream Thieves? to be honest, I can't really remember what happened in Endgame since I read it last year but I know I loved it!
I've also got a lil obsessed with Noah. what a precious flower he must be protected
🌟🌟🌟🌟 really enjoyed this! wasn't what I was expecting at all. beginning was a bit slow and I found her writing style quite confusing at some points but I loved all of the characters and the plot! I'm glad that there wasn't a barrage of romance either. will definitely be picking up the next book!
so excited to read this since its been sitting on my bookshelf from the year it came out! I tried to read it then, but since I've heard so many great things about it and my reading habits have changed a lot, I thought I would give it another go
I LOVED this book!! The characters and plot are both amazing and I can't wait for the next one!! The ending was thrilling and left me wanting more. I will definitely be picking up Bardugo's other series which has been collecting dust on my bookshelf. Couldn't recommend it any more!
I was almost finished this book and I have LOST it and I am now very traumatised because it was amazing!!! Hopefully I'll find it but I have no issues of buying the kindle version to find out what happens 🕵
Not going to lie, I was SO happy when Victor survived at the end. it would be interesting to see if he still had his power, however, as Sydney revived the other EO and he seemed to have some issues in that department? And if he became "tied" to Sydney like Dol?
THIS BOOK WAS SO AMAZING!!! You are truly missing out if you don't read it. It had me completely won over from the first chapter and there isn't one character that I did not appreciate. Schwab's writing style also has this air of effortlessness about it which I loved. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
UGH I know I was kind of raving about this book yesterday but after reading on a bit, it went downhill pretty quick. Maybe it's just me but I felt it became repetitive and the writing style really started to grind on me. Maybe try reading it again some other day, but for right now, I'm leaving it.
half way through this and I would just like to say that I would recommend this to ANYONE especially those who write as well as read. The way Schwab handles antagonists in this novel is by far the best I have ever seen and is a perfect example for how to *properly* write good antagonistic characters!
I'm really enjoying this book right now. I'm 1/5 of the way through it and even though the writing style is a bit strange and there is a bucket of controversy around the author, I'm finding the way he talks about dependency and addiction enlightening
when the squad realises what they have to do to break into the ice court
*old woman's voice* kids these days, falling in love with people out to kill them
Such an amazing book, definitely one of my favourites. I would recommend it to anyone (with the warning that you will never truly like Holden Caulfield.)
Wasn't a fan of the characters; however, the time travel aspect really drags the book upwards for me. I'll be picking up the second book for that reason!