Anyone book haul from BookOutlet.
I keep trying to read declutter & organizational books in hopes it will inspire me, but nope. I read Outer Order Inner Calm for a book club & it was not my fav read of the month. Lots of good tips but in the end were they memorable—unfortunately not.
Have you ever picked up a book, started reading it and then found out it is part of a series? I‘m almost half through Bitten by Kelley Armstrong & just found out not only is it part of a series but it‘s part of a THIRTEEN novel series 😳. I randomly picked up this book at a book sale & now I have committed myself to 13 more books 🤣 because I don‘t know about you but I can‘t read just one book in a series.
I really enjoyed this novella. I am a huge fan of Ami McKay‘s writing. I love that it brought back the characters of The Witches Of New York but also if you hadn‘t read that book you could still read this story and it still feel complete. The way this book is written makes you want to read it aloud as the writing is so beautiful; like poetry. The only negative I have for this read is the storyline seemed a bit rushed in the last half of the story.
This was my last read of 2019 & I loved it! Ami McKay has been one of my favourite authors for years now and this book had me falling love with her writing all over again. Her way with words makes you pause and re-read just because of the beauty of her words.