Very good book, short fictions, some for keepsakes, I recommend it.
Very good book, short fictions, some for keepsakes, I recommend it.
Excellent book, as a general introduction to many of the man‘s opinions. Recommend it.
I wouldn‘t really recommend it much, probably to a kid yes, it does open up the imagination a bit. The prose is simple, the theme is nice, but the ending was rushed.
Somber; it‘s the second time I read this book and found it more amusing than the first time, definitely deeper, and more significant. Life can partake a series of incidents for which we are oftentimes helpless, or feeling helpless, so we call upon the monsters of the night that so much frighten many children, but in whose arms we feel secure, or something like that. It‘s not bad, I‘d recommend it to a kid though.
Un ingenioso libro de cuentos cortos, mayormente de naturaleza erótica, pero con un afable sabor a amor, entretejida de sensualidad y clara imagen poética.
No es literatura, un poco mal redactado, naturalmente, lo que presupone a cualquier libro de autoayuda, pero es imaginativo y la trama es linda. No está mal, pero el título me hizo creer que sería algo diferente. Siempre se puede aprender o recordar algo cada día y permitirnos que estas enseñanzas nos acompañen por el resto de nuestras vidas para superarnos y alcanzar nuestros verdaderos objetivos.
Very honest, down to earth. I hold a very high esteem towards Patti Smith, and this is the first book I read from her, hoping to get my hands on a couple more copies of some of the rest she‘s written. The book was very interesting, a highlight of experiences and yet very humble in the manner in which she has affectionately laid them out.
Another imaginative challenge weaved from the mind of the great spellbinding Mr MacDonald, most thoughtful, and magical, aroused in the prominent light of an intuitive and noble innocence, only found in the “holiness of the heart‘s affections.”
Espero pronto leer el resto de los libros en la, si no mal estoy, trilogía, y también leerlos en inglés. Muy buen libro.
MacDonald challenges the reader‘s imaginative capabilities and his metaphorical associations. I never thought that I would one day empathize with Lilith, whom many of us know about already. However, MacDonald softens the heart, and does some magic that eventually pulls the reader into a sense of pity for all characters, including her. The ending is quite sad, but hopeful, as are many things in life.
Un pequeño libro de 11 cuentos para niños; moralejas cristianas y fantasía envueltas en un encanto tenebroso, como todo buen libro de hadas. Esta edición específica es de 1914, y fue un extraordinario regalo por parte de un viejo librero que abre su pequeño puesto cada que quiere.
Fast read, pleasant, something that many readers and book collectors can definitely relate to. I‘d recommend it for a Sunday.