A few gems from my recent visit to Brookline Booksmtih. Could not resist the Love Trumps Hate button.. ❤️🌈💙📚
A few gems from my recent visit to Brookline Booksmtih. Could not resist the Love Trumps Hate button.. ❤️🌈💙📚
Celebrating the arrival of my signed bookplate with a snapshot of my favorite @jos_wallace novels ... and kickass Diamond Ruby ball cap. Thanks, Joe, for saving the day! Cannot wait to crack the cover. 📚
A surprise from my sweet partner who was unaware I was holding out for a signed copy. No complaints, mind you. Only smiles as my TBR stacks threaten to topple over.
Story of my life. So engrossed in opening chapters of LAST THINGS, I almost missed my stop. Actually, if it were the story of my life, I would have missed my stop. Ah, reading.
Emily Ruskovich's IDAHO is one of the most beautifully written and crafted books I have read in a long time. Haunting and evocative, IDAHO examines love, loss, grief, memory, and time, while expertly interweaving a strong sense of place and an undercurrent of music. One of those books that will stay with me long after closing the cover, and one I will return to again and again.