Never thought a circumstance happening over a single night can be written down so beautifully. It is said that the smallest coffins are the heaviest to hold, and that is exactly what the book is about. 5/5.
Never thought a circumstance happening over a single night can be written down so beautifully. It is said that the smallest coffins are the heaviest to hold, and that is exactly what the book is about. 5/5.
This novel is a heart-ache. Follows the story of two women from abandonment to adoption, and how they deal with everything in between. A deeply moving depiction of human mind when love and acceptance is so hard to come by. 5/5.
Great series to kick-start the year with, and get in the mood for some serious reading(eventually). All three parts have some brain-wracking puzzles and mind-games. Although the plot remains more or less the same, the thrill remains. 5/5.