It was a fun book with a lot going on. Some of the pacing felt a little too fast. I could imagine this book being much longer and enjoying it immensely. Interested to see where the series will go.
It was a fun book with a lot going on. Some of the pacing felt a little too fast. I could imagine this book being much longer and enjoying it immensely. Interested to see where the series will go.
Gone to the library and trying to get back into some books. Excited for these two new reads. I‘ve heard a lot of good things about The Fifth Season and I want to expand my short story reading 🤓
So the romance between the two main characters was definitely the part I had the most difficulty buying into during the story, and it would be my main criticism of the book. The world building is great, Rue is awesome, and so I wish the book had focused more on the adventure of finding the thief.
Other than that I would recommend this for someone who‘s interested in the lore of people who turn into dragons. Just push through the forced romance.
“He was drakon ... not mortal, not weak, but something ancient and formidable, barely bound in the sinew and grace of a man‘s unclothed body”
“I am only what I‘ve been forged to be. Not evil, and perhaps not especially good.”
“Righteous intentions, noble deceit. Two sides of the same coin.”
“Great men of wealth is certain to inspire great resentment”
“Yet as with so many things held out of reach, the dream of conquest simmered like a fever through the invaders"
“The moon [frosted] his shadow along the porch step”
“He ... studied the view past the windows until the moonlight began to burn”
“In the skies late at night, against the slick black shadow of the castle, sinuous monsters could be seen hunting the moon"
Has there ever been a less accurate cover? Probably, but this ebook version doesn‘t do justice to what‘s actually inside the book. I look at this cover and feel like I‘m about to dive into a murder mystery out in some abandoned expanse where the emptiness of your surroundings is fear inducing because you could have sworn that you heard someone breathing.
But that is far from the fantasy dragon story that is promised in the description.
Final thoughts! Overall a very fun read and would recommend if you want a fun adventure. Only major drawback is some pacing in which the book picks of speed but then takes a sharp turn into flashbacks or some other back story. I wish the momentum would have been consistent through out.
Am looking forward to a sequel 😄🤓
"She was no Princess Peach, trapped in a castle hoping that two plumbers were coming to save her"
"She was about to be murdered in the middle of a country road, all for thinking it would be cool to make a movie about kidney stones. What a legacy"
"This is really disgusting and I don‘t want to keep filming ... but I will because I‘m dedicated to my craft"
"Would I be living like a caveman in the woods if I could just stroll into a piggly wiggly"
"Thanks for joining the fight. Most adults think it‘s bullsh*t "
All the books I‘ve bought since January. It‘s been a slow start to my reading year. Still need to get through the women pirate book!
I‘ve enjoyed the adventures so far and am looking forward to the next ones 👻
This book did not disappoint on the ridiculousness scale.
“Tell me about the first kidney stone you remember.” - “Oh right ... I named it Mildred.”
“It wouldn‘t be polterdog if the dog wasn‘t poltered.”
“Can I breathe on your shirt?”
“Leif ... delivered one of his patented turkey mating calls, a sort of seductive gobble that he‘d mastered...”
“Later than night, Rex had found the camcorder exactly where he knew his dad would hide it: the not-actually-secret secret cabinet in the garage.”
“Rex looked around to see who was listening, realizing maybe he wasn‘t so different from his mom after all”
How to tell when you‘ve left your garden for too long unattended? When your books can disappear into them 😵
Did some gardening today because I could no longer justify putting it off when we‘ve been ordered to stay at home and I‘m running out of things to clean inside
The scooter got cut off in my picture but there‘s a lot of scooter references that made me laugh more than I would have thought possible. 🤣
“They found a friend even weirder than they were”
Upside down hearts seemed like the right way to go for the quote because I felt like these characters would love how weird it is.
I like the idea of this quote because as an introvert kid growing up I remember when I found people who were as weird as me and gravitating to them because I could finally connect with someone else who could understand or at least tolerate my weirdness.
The idea of this book was intriguing and the humor made me chuckle. But the big problem was too much content thrown in too quickly. I wish we had lingered with characters or situations instead of running through multiple places so quickly I couldn‘t connect with any of them in particular.
Would recommend as a library read, not a full purchase price.
This line feels a little too applicable during this time.
The thing I love about this is the idea of a group of dungeon party members filing paper work to join an union 🤣. Imagine the party sitting around the dining room table and they‘re arguing about the name of their organization
I think we all know an annoying person who meets this description.
Well ... historically that‘s not necessarily true for everyone but that‘s just the historian in my twitching. Otherwise, nice quote from the book.
This made me pause and reread the book before laughing to make sure I read it right.
Liked this quote a lot. It fits with the quest theme of the book.
Lols. True, but then the rude person will get offended much faster. So I feel like it‘s a catch 22.
Got to make sure our goals are reasonable and reachable. Lessons with Dark Lord Toby
Thought this was perfect for a Monday. One day through the work week and it already feels like a lot. Here‘s a wish that everyone‘s week is nice and enjoyable with little to zero drudgery 😋
Sometimes the level of ridiculousness in this book takes a second to overcome before pushing through to read more.
Those darn public warning announcements against roses. We really got to get better about that 😋
Goals. To have eaten enough to actually be able to tell the difference between minimum effort in cooking and gourmet. I mean a pinch of salt and a dash of Tabasco can carry me a long way.
Made me think of the moment in Lord of the Rings where Sam stops and recognizes how he‘s stepping further then he‘s ever gone before.
Started reading my new book, Kill the Farm Boy. So far ... it‘s interesting
The book was interesting but it did drag in a few places. There‘s a literary element and so if you don‘t like slow builds and lots of description this is not the book for you.
Finally finished the book. This is the last quote from it and I think it‘s a good one. Courage is difficult to choose because you never know what‘s coming.
I really liked the image that Eason presented. A ghost of a reflection in space
Like the wish that I would finish this book last weekend. Whelp - another day - another hope that I‘ll finish the book soon. Honestly it‘s not a terrible book, I‘ve just been really busy and the book has gotten away from me.
This is something I hope I could attribute to myself one day.
More great insight.
Update: my plan is to try and finish reading How Rory Thorn Destroyed the Multiverse by the end of the week and hopefully some time next week I‘ll have a new book with new quotes. Any suggestions for a new read are welcome. Currently thinking of reading "Don‘t Kill the Farm Boy"
Got to be careful living that princess life
It‘s a much better way of saying "well that‘s what it would be like if you were used to living in the dirt"
Calluses on his spirit? That made me pause
This seems like such a grandiose description but I‘m here for it. Lols 🤣🤓
Space travel is crazy to think about and the future is wild
Even in the future politicians are just older versions of children. Lols
This insult was so sassy and startling I fell in love with it to the point where I forgot to think that in the far flung future they might not have graveyards because they have to come up with a new system for dealing with the dead due to a potentially higher volume in population size. Yeah I‘m going to have to remember this one 🤓😋
This really stuck out to me and I liked this quote a lot. It feels kind of timeless
The idea of "putting silence on" was really interesting and relatable. There are definitely times when you realize it‘s better to be quiet even if it‘s not representative of your feelings so you just do it.