Insightful and thought provoking!
These are my favourite set of poems. Pablo Neruda has ruined me for life.
Amazing book!
I just couldn't put it down, the storyline is very interesting, the concepts of corelings is so spooky. Amazing characters, Bruna being my favourite.
Highly recommended.
Interesting book showing different facets of the African society.
Though there were a lot of twists and turns, this book seemed a little slow paced than the previous installment. Tobias/Four seemed distant and Tris was more whiny than usual. I hope the final book will be better.
I had been long running from this series because of its comparison with The Hunger Games which I absolutely love. When I saw this book in my library, I finally decided to pick it up. I like the storyline, it's very interesting with the concept of factions and the initiation process but I just can't get myself to like the characters. All of them seem to me a bit too pretentious. But all in all, it was a good read. Going to read Insurgent.
Some things in life are too complicated to explain in any language.
- Haruki Murakami