So I recently introduced myself to the Harry Potter Series and now it's all that I can think about. Amazing series! I don't know why I didn't read it sooner!
So I recently introduced myself to the Harry Potter Series and now it's all that I can think about. Amazing series! I don't know why I didn't read it sooner!
I absolutely loved this road to recovery from anorexia. The disorder was not at all romanticized in any way and there was accurate medical coverage. Definitely one of my top picks this summer!
I've only started this book an hour ago but I can already tell that is is a fast-paced and interesting read. I should be done with it in no time and I think that I am really going to like it.
I absolutely loved this book and right now, I'm referring to it as my favorite book of the summer. The story is told from a (hilarious) depressed teenagers point of view and though it was about a heavy subject, I didn't put it down feeling depressed myself. I was actually very shocked by the secrets revealed in this story. I also liked the main character's growth and better understanding of his depression.
Until next summer with this series (because i'm a college student and there is no time for big reads while at school). ❤️
I've told myself for a while now that I was going to read this series over the summer. I think that I am going to get around to it for July. I've just been pushing it back because I've heard negative things.
I had bought this book when it came out but I was in school and had no time to read it. When I came home from college last month for the summer, I picked it up as a book to read on side of anything book and I absolutely loved it. I especially liked the final story in the book, it gave me all the feels recognizing it from the series. ❤️
I think that this is my favorite book in the entire series but I am still debating between this one and wings and ruin.
Absolutely adored this book, and spent time crying once I finished. I will definitely find myself reading it again and probably repeating the cycle.
This is one of those books that I wished had a sequel because it's sequel could have so much potential.
Maybe I came into this book with too high of expectations but it wasn't something of my liking.