Stoicism defined with a good introduction about the background of Marcus
Stoicism defined with a good introduction about the background of Marcus
A lot of the book is justifying why the 80/20 plan works and then there are some training plans that some may find useful.
Some nice perspectives from NDT reminding us of some of our own short-sightedness and encouraging us to look through the lens of science and remain humble
A great reminder about enjoying the run, it also helped me create a dynamic warm up which immediately improved my running.
Mark articulates things that most would know but not necessarily understand or spend time considering and for that I think it was a great read and very relevant to today's culture.
To journey happily may well be better than to arrive successfully
The book is fairly straightforward but gets you to consider things from other perspectives and may help with communication skills. Worth a read but not a game changer for me.
A great read, it provides education and is thought provoking. I'd highly recommend it to anyone interested in anti-aging or improving their healthspan.
A great summary of his writings followed by a lovely piece by Lucy at the end. Well worth the read even just as a reminder of his brilliance and perseverance.
At some point during our 13.8 billion years of cosmic history, something beautiful happened. The information processing got so intelligent that life forms became concious. Our universe has now awoken, becoming aware of itself.
A lovely story of Thich's life but either my expectations were too high or I'm not cultured enough in Buddhism to truly appreciate it.
A focus on the application of philosophy but the chapters were hit and miss for me.
The book read like the author trying to justify her own decisions by writing them down. She seems genuine but I didn't get a lot from reading it.
A great introduction to Mindfulness, it has had a positive impact on my day to day life and caused me to want to continue learning more.
An amazing author and what a life, the book is a great read that I'd recommend to everyone. Certainly refreshing and a helpful reminder about human bias.
It can sometimes feel as though we're so busy remembering, planning and analysing life, that we forget to experience life - as it actually is, rather than how we think it should be.
Think about meditation as the platform for which you'll operate over the next 24 hours. That sense of calm will enable you to respond skilfully to situations if you can maintain your awareness.
Mindfulness simply means to be present, undistracted, in the moment, as opposed to lost in thought and caught up in the emotions.
If you can give up your desire to always experience pleasant things, at the same time as giving up your fear of experiencing unpleasant things, then you'll have a quiet mind.
It's quite relaxing being humble, because it means you can stop feeling pressured to have a view about everything, and stop feeling you must be ready to defend your views all the time.