You *must* read it, it's pretty amazing, as to be expected from Mr Garth Nix.
You *must* read it, it's pretty amazing, as to be expected from Mr Garth Nix.
Summon the Keeper has such a Pratchettesque absurdity about it. I didn't think I'd dislike it, but I wasn't expecting to love it as much as I do. It's clever and funny and if you enjoy Discworld with its weirdness and magic and quirkiness than this should be right up your alley.
"Had she fallen getting out of the shower? Did that sort of thing happen to the semimythical?"
In my opinion this book beats out Looking For Alibrandi and is even better than On the Jellicoe Rd, which I didn't think was possible. #lovethisbook
“Take no heed of her.... She reads a lot of books.”