These books are so amazing! I'm so sad I held out on them for so long before finally reading them! I'm currently on book 5 and it just gets better and better and better. Definitely one of my top series favorites!
These books are so amazing! I'm so sad I held out on them for so long before finally reading them! I'm currently on book 5 and it just gets better and better and better. Definitely one of my top series favorites!
"Strange, I thought, how you can be living your dreams and your nightmares at the very same time."
This being such a popular series had me intrigued. I love peculiar things. The first half of this book is so slow it was hard to read it. The second half was interesting. I am currently on the second book but still struggling to get through.
"But I've smelled you, smelled the wrongness of all that's been done to you by hands familiar and those of strangers. You chose to stop acknowledging a world that has treated you foully. What's saner than that?"
I read this because I enjoyed Holly Black's, 'the darkest part of the forest'. I didn't enjoy this one that much. It was interesting in some parts but I mostly just wanted a vampire fix. I would recommend her other over this one for sure.
"She thought of what Jameson had said about crows letting ants sting their wings because they'd grown addicted to the burn of acid. She wondered if you could be hurt so often that you might miss it."
"When I ask you will say, 'Only if it pleases you, my Prince,' and I shall know the answer is yes. Or, 'Not unless it should please you, my Prince,' and I shall know the answer is no. Do you understand me?"