I love you Britney Spears
I love you Britney Spears
I feel like the ragging on Judy was unnecessary
Cute, I can totally see Brie Larson as Elizabeth. Was the inner monologue of a dog necessary tho?
Realized I never read the last page. LaSalle is definitely in love with what he‘s writing about which is always great to read. Would like to see him focus on one or two subjects rather than a dozen
Fastest time I‘ve ever finished a biography in. Very well researched and made me actually audibly react.
I finished this a couple weeks ago and I definitely liked it more than I thought I would. Didn‘t realize the plot twist at first though but that‘s bc I‘m dumb
Oh my gosh it took me forever to finish this. It was good and definitely ended on a lighter note than the last one but there were so many name drops and the timeline was kind of unclear in some parts so I had to go back and reread who was who.
It‘s a biography so obviously she dies in the end but it kind of destroys me how she had this major complex of always putting on a persona and being either a movie star or a wife even long after she retired and her first husband had died.