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The Woman in Me
The Woman in Me | Britney Spears
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The Woman in Me is a brave and astonishingly moving story about freedom, fame, motherhood, survival, faith, and hope. In June 2021, the whole world was listening as Britney Spears spoke in open court. The impact of sharing her voiceher truthwas undeniable, and it changed the course of her life and the lives of countless others. The Woman in Me reveals for the first time her incredible journeyand the strength at the core of one of the greatest performers in pop music history. Written with remarkable candor and humor, Spearss groundbreaking book illuminates the enduring power of music and loveand the importance of a woman telling her own story, on her own terms, at last.
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The Woman in Me | Britney Spears
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Read this after being recommended by coworkers! A quick-paced, engaging memoir! It is certainly not the best writing, but the writing seems authentic to Britney. The authenticity within the writing was pivotal to the “enjoyment” of reading it. The struggles Britney details throughout the book are devastating and emotional, but her story provides an aspirational example of resilience, hope, and faith. I hope to continue seeing her on a healing path

The Woman in Me | Britney Spears
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So I‘m not a big Britney fan, but I enjoy audio memoirs for my commute. I enjoyed hearing her background and her story of her conservatorship. It was insane what her father did to her, and no one should have to endure this level of control from another adult. She seemed very naive for much of her life. I‘m glad she‘s free of that and hope she can rebuild her life in a positive way. Overall a pick for me #freebritney

The Woman in Me | Britney Spears
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Caroline2 Oh I really liked this. 👍 4w
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The Woman in Me | Britney Spears
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It sickens me how Britney was treated by the people who she should have been able to trust the most. It baffles me how they got away with it for so long. The second half of this book reads like a horror story.

As a memoir, this left a lot to be desired in terms of writing and organisation, but I'm glad that Britney has spoken her truth.

My heart goes out to her.


The Woman in Me | Britney Spears
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I definitely have a new respect for Britney. I‘ve never been a big fan but obviously been aware of everything that has ensued in her life whether it was good or bad. I liked that this book gave her a voice and a platform to really talk about what was happening in her life. I couldn‘t imagine growing up and having a family treat you like hers did. Just disgusting! I hope she heals from all this and finds happiness. Good quick read!

The Woman in Me | Britney Spears
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If you are (or ever were) a Britney fan, was curious about the conservatorship, saw any of her IG posts, I recommend that you read her book. What everyone did to her is heartbreaking. I mean this was Britney-effing-Spears. They never should‘ve had the power that they did. Britney is stronger than any of us could ever imagine. 🌹 🌹🌹🌹

#BritneySpears #TheWomaninMe #BritneySpearsArmy #BritneySpearsFan #BritneySpearsFans #BritneyArmy #BritneyFan

The Woman in Me | Britney Spears
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Reading this gave me a much better appreciation for the considerable amount of bs Britney Spears has been through and the level of resilience she must possess to have come out of her experiences with any degree of normalcy. Perfectly narrated by Michelle Williams.

The Woman in Me | Britney Spears
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Happy World Book Day!! ** book giveaway! 🎈📬📚

The first book up for giveaway is this one! ☝️

To enter tell us your favorite memoir!! 🖤💗🖤


TheBookHippie The one I read this year is just …wow 3mo
TheBookHippie This one I still think about 3mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @TheBookHippie stacked! It sounds heartbreaking 💔 3mo
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TheBookHippie @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks You would love both of them. 3mo
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The Woman in Me | Britney Spears
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The Woman In Me is a brave and astonishingly moving story about freedom, fame , motherhood, survival, faith, and hope.

The Woman in Me | Britney Spears
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The autobiography from one of the most successful female artists of the twenty-first century. I have to say that I was never a big Britney fan, I liked some of her songs & I also vaguely knew that there was some beef between her & Justin Timberlake at one point, but that was about the extent of it.

Reading this, Britney has obviously gone through some terrible experiences at the hands of those who should have loved & protected her, (continued)

OutsmartYourShelf but the book itself is not good reading. I think she could have gone into the issues of being a child star a lot more, & the effects that has on them growing up. It feels very surface level & it's just terribly written. It's a great shame as Britney's story needed telling. 3⭐

Full Review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/5966752257
Read 10th-12th Apr 2024

@Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 3mo
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The Woman in Me | Britney Spears
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Super sad to hear a lot more about what Britney Spears went through in her life and how mistreated she was. It‘s a really heartbreaking story, but it‘s satisfying to hear about what she overcame and how positive she is about the future. I really enjoyed this and am hopeful for her and her family.

The Woman in Me | Britney Spears
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Michelle Williams did a phenomenal job narrating the book, it really felt like Britney was retelling her story. I couldn‘t stop listening and was so upset when it ended! I‘m a huge fan of reading physical books, but in this case you have to go with the audiobook. It‘s an experience that shouldn‘t be missed.

The Woman in Me | Britney Spears

This was a great book to get a good perspective on her life from her. She was honest and more graceful than I would have been in her shoes. If you have any curiosity in her situation and life, then this is a good book for you.

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The Woman in Me | Britney Spears
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This is not at all a comment about her life and all of the BS she has been through, because really, it is all very tragic. But there was just something that was off. I cannot put my finger on it.

I recommend instead, listening to the Celebrity Memoir Bookclub podcast episode about this book.


The Woman in Me | Britney Spears
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I was as usual skeptical of a celebrity memoir, but I think she did a great job telling her story in a light we may not have known.

The Woman in Me | Britney Spears
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I was really on the fence about reading this one. I‘m the same age as Britney, so I could relate to what was going on during her rise. It was very choppy, I felt like this was a diary written by a 12-year-old. It was hard to read, both because of the writing,and because of how traumatic her life has been. I hope she has found peace and will continue to fight for what SHE wants, she very much deserves the life SHE wants to live. Book #23 in 2024

The Woman in Me | Britney Spears
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I'm not even going to rate this one, because if anyone deserves to tell her story in whatever way she wants, it's this woman. My word, what she's been through. I'm glad she was able to tell her story. I read this one with my earholes, and Michelle Williams was a fantastic narrator. Beautifully read.

The Woman in Me | Britney Spears
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Late to the party on this one, but love this take! Let girls be girl! 👏

The Woman in Me | Britney Spears
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It‘s very rare to see a true “pan” from me, but here you go. This book is a train wreck. I agree that Brit is probably in many ways a victim, both of her family and of the media, but I also think she‘s got some issues she‘s brought on herself. But regardless of all that, the actual writing in this memoir was truly awful. I don‘t understand the higher reviews. Was there no one editing this thing??

The Woman in Me | Britney Spears
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Not the best book Ive read but interesting. Britney has had it tough and very misunderstood. Her family are terrible and that‘s the saddest part. Worth a read but don‘t rush out to get it!

The Woman in Me | Britney Spears

It is hard to review this book, I grew up such a HUGE Britney fan and it was hard to get a glimpse of how hard things were for her from her perspective. That said, it‘s only her perspective so I want to take some of these stories with a grain of salt. I‘m pulling for her everyday and will always be team Britney!

The Woman in Me | Britney Spears
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It feels awful to say I loved this because it‘s so heartbreaking. Michelle Williams does a hell of a job! I knew it was going to be sad but Britney does not hold back. It is a crime what her family and the paparazzi put her through. I can‘t stop thinking about it. As soon as I finished, I wanted to go right back to beginning and read it all over again!

KLyn1 I'm listening to on audio - almost done and I can't tell you how many times I've been shocked by what her family did to her. Dang!! 5mo
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The Woman in Me | Britney Spears
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I was never a fan of Brittany‘s music, and I wouldn‘t have read this book had a friend not literally put it in my hand. But now that I‘ve read it, I‘m glad that I did. I remember some of the events she mentions in this book, when they happened; I remember seeing the photos on magazines everywhere. She went through a lot. A family that abused and exploited her as a child, as an adolescent, and as an adult. This book reads like a child wrote it.⬇️

JenniferEgnor Brittany‘s inner child is still there, and she just wants to be loved. She wasn‘t allowed to be a child, she was just exploited. That continued on into her adolescence. And when she was an adult, her father treated her like property. Her own person was stolen from her again. There is no shortage of misogyny within these pages. This is her story of what she went through, and how she came out on the other side of it. 5mo
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The Woman in Me | Britney Spears
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Her story is very compelling. The whole child star industry is disgusting. #3 #2024

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The Woman in Me | Britney Spears
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I loved hearing Britney‘s experiences from her point of view. So heartbreaking and infuriating all at once. The only issue I had was that it felt like teen Britney wrote the whole thing. I didn‘t feel like her thought process changed much throughout her life until she finally took a stand at the end. I definitely feel for her and loved the book. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Cupcake12 I‘ve just read this and really enjoyed it too x 6mo
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The Woman in Me | Britney Spears
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Media is about selling…doesn‘t matter if it‘s papers, books, music, movies…or people. I‘m not saying that Britney is an innocent victim, but that there were a lot of people who sold her out & made money off of her WAY before her family stole her freedom.

The Woman in Me | Britney Spears
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I must admit that this month‘s book club pick is not one that I would have picked up on my own… though familiar with Spears & her life from supermarket tabloid covers, I have never owned one of her albums or anything. And yet, somehow, this very quick read didn‘t actually contain much that I didn‘t already know… simply written, this gives voice to her life, hardships and heartbreaks but without real depth. Interested to hear what the group says!

The Woman in Me | Britney Spears
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I am actually surprised that Britney's memoir was my favorite read of January, but it was definitely better than I had anticipated by a lot. #2024Bracket

The Woman in Me | Britney Spears

Continued …… I‘m sorry to say for me I just didn‘t grasp it , I the the. Ghost writer has done her a huge disservice of playing on “childlike “ narration any how to most a very sad memoir where you now hope she‘s a free woman and can just live her life and enjoy the fruits of her labour and stick a finger up to the world who tried to bring her down

The Woman in Me | Britney Spears

Like the majority of people u have enormous respect for Britney Spears and how shockingly awful she‘s been treated by the media by the public by agents but most of all her own family ; some families where fame and money is involved are purely toxic, anyway she does rightly have a story to tell and put her point across but ….👆

The Woman in Me | Britney Spears
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Listened to this one over audio. It‘s incredibly sad to listen to all the Britney endured. From her traumatic childhood through her traumatic young adult life. It‘s good to know that she is free & able to make decisions for herself. I like many others saw the head shaving incident & had the wrong idea of what was really going on in her life. Hopefully she can continue to live her life on her terms & build her relationship with her kids. #bookspin

ncsufoxes Although the book isn‘t perfect I understand the rush for her to get her side of the story out. #nonfiction2024 prompt: Looking for Alaska (Britney was seen that chaotic girl, but sadly her mental health was on the decline & impacting her life) 6mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 6mo
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The Woman in Me | Britney Spears
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This was just really sad. For her family to treat her the way they did! Just kept thinking how different things could have been for her had she had a supportive family. She was in such a vulnerable place and had no-one on her side. Misogyny abounds. I‘d definitely recommend going the audio route with this. #nonfiction2024 (the handmaid‘s tale)

squirrelbrain It‘s really sad isn‘t it? 6mo
TheBookHippie Broke my heart. 6mo
youneverarrived @squirrelbrain that was the overwhelming feeling 😔 6mo
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The Woman in Me | Britney Spears
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The poor, poor girl!! Glad she got her life back!! Stay away from your parents, Britney!!

#snowflake #snowflakes #papersnowflakes

The Woman in Me | Britney Spears
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Cleaning my bathrooms while I listen to this. I‘d like to scrub the fuck out of all these people who were such shits to Britney. I admit I chuckled at some of her train wreck but I honestly had no idea her people would just let her fall so hard and do nothing.

Tamra Ok, this is an eye catching pic! 😂 6mo
mcctrish @Tamra I HATE cleaning bathrooms 🚽 6mo
Tamra @mcctrish for me dusting & mopping. 6mo
BethM As a woman who myself was knocked on my ass by postpartum my heart absolutely broke for how she was treated. No one can understand how scary of a mental place that is if they haven‘t been there. Then for the reaction to be oh she cray instead of let‘s get this brand new mom help is horrifying. 6mo
mcctrish @BethM there are so many levels of abuse here, it‘s outrageous and horrifying 6mo
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The Woman in Me | Britney Spears
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More heavy listening while I do the things

BethM Loved it 6mo
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Woman in Me | Britney Spears
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Reading this for college student book club! Learning a lot thus far!

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The Woman in Me | Britney Spears
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This book sucked me in. It read as if she were sitting across from me telling me her story. I loved how we FINALLY get to hear her side of things. #bookspin @thearomaofbooks

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!!! 7mo
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Woman in Me | Britney Spears

Started this today 3 chapters in :) library hold and my other hold came in early to. So off went treated self to nice new cup , so can sit down with nice brew and read for bit.i got this arnald schwarzenegger - be useful (library hold) black and blue - james patterson (owned) and docters mistress daniel hurst (kindle) to keep me going for januarary. Library holds got till 29th jan lets see if can smash them out
i back to reading yay.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Enjoy!!! 7mo
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Woman in Me | Britney Spears
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Started this today 3 chapters in :) library hold and my other hold came in early to. So off went treated self to nice new cup , so can sit down with nice brew and read for bit.i got this arnald schwarzenegger - be useful (library hold) black and blue - james patterson (owned) and docters mistress daniel hurst (kindle) to keep me going for januarary. Library holds got till 29th jan lets see if can smash them out
@TheAromaofBooks i back to reading

The Woman in Me | Britney Spears
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An eye opening read, waited for two months for the library book! There are always two sides to every story but there has to be admiration for this woman and what her family put her through.

BookmarkTavern The older I get, the more sympathy I have for her. 💖 Thanks for sharing! 7mo
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The Woman in Me | Britney Spears
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I loved this book! Page 175 (the very last line) had the scariest line in the whole entire book. Chapter 36 shows how powerful people can be, and Chapter 47 was my favorite!

The Woman in Me | Britney Spears
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Of course I listened to the this memoir narrated by Michelle Williams in one day.

The Woman in Me | Britney Spears
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I‘m really glad I read this. So much sadness, but glad she‘s not under the conservatorship anymore.

The Woman in Me | Britney Spears
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While I truly admire Britney, I doubt she wrote this; the emotional depth seems lacking. I also suspect significant mental health issues , and I question the accuracy of her statements regarding the conservatorship. Having court experience, what she described wouldn't align with reality. It's a poignant tale, but I think her perception might be influenced by her mental health challenges.

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The Woman in Me | Britney Spears
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2️⃣ Finished this one in a couple of days, I can‘t believe what Britney‘s family did to her. Loved that we got a sense of her sense of humour. To start with I was a bit on the fence about this book, the style wasn‘t what I expected. But actually, having raced through it, I would recommend this book to my friends.

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The Woman in Me | Britney Spears
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Listening 👂 on Spotify whilst at work is that cheating for book 📖 spin bingo 😆x. X x x x
@TheAromaofBooks x x

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 7mo
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