Dark, gory, wonderfully imaginative story about a girl training to be an assassin to avenge her father, who was executed for 'treason'. I loved how footnotes were used to give extra information about the world. 10/10.
Dark, gory, wonderfully imaginative story about a girl training to be an assassin to avenge her father, who was executed for 'treason'. I loved how footnotes were used to give extra information about the world. 10/10.
Got a copy of Sarah Porter's 'Vassa in the Night' as part of the September Fairyloot box. It also contained beautiful loot from the Grisha and ADSOM fandoms, some of my absolute favourites and a gorgeous soy candle. Will definitely be purchasing fairyloot again! #fairyloot #bookboxes #booksubscription #subscriptionboxes #grisha #adsom
Six of Crows was one of my favourite reads of the year, I fell in love with the crew and fell in love again with the beautiful world that Leigh has created. Gorgeous, emotional and tense. My copy of Crooked Kingdom arrived today and I can't wait to start! Full review at: https://moonmagister.wordpress.com/2016/08/26/six-of-crows-leigh-bardugo/
Just bought myself a copy of the brand new Gollancz 10th anniversary copy of 'The Blade Itself'. Saw it and had to have it. #thebladeitself #joeabercrombie #gollancz
Sarah's books always make me want to draw. So have the under painting for my newest Rowan work. Soon there will be lots of green and glowing forest mushrooms! #heiroffire #hof #rowanwhitethorn #sarahjmaas #rowan #empireofstorms #eos #tog #throneofglass #art
Photographical evidence of how this book is taking over my life 😂 #sarahjmaas #eos
It's taking me longer to read this book than I'd like because I can't let it travel with me because I'm too scared of damaging my beautiful hardback copy! It need to find some time to just sit down and read it because I'm loving it so far, just could really do with a paper back copy too 😅 #Nevernight #harpervoyager #jaykristoff
A thoroughly heart wrenching, dark and beautiful little book. Imagine a modern Dickensian world with a cold and elegant magic wielding aristocracy, a heavy dollop of class warfare and enough skeletons in the family closet to fill a cemetery. One of my new favourites.