so is such this a very not unlike abnormal story until it is that point unto which a man throws so as to have impaled a man a javelin in harlem so he live in sewer now
so is such this a very not unlike abnormal story until it is that point unto which a man throws so as to have impaled a man a javelin in harlem so he live in sewer now
with in which toni morrison so very much illustriously explicates on slavery etc with frequent use of ghost with fish hair
so i think that i know that we can all find much so interesting how very so long this book's number of pages can be at times as it lasts indubitably forever and tries to make me much think about some wack moral relativity and the joys of very much drowning
so i was much sincerely confused by a greater number than one of many of the portions in this book but i am very also sad to say it does not not include plentiful amounts of sadness things like racism and suicide and run-on sentences
so i was unable to not find this book very pleasureful to me because i am a big and sure fan of fighting as much as and as well in as of books where i don't know what is going on any as in most of all of the time
so this book features plenty of much oppression on female women which is very so mad wack but the good news is that it gets the so much interesting way to end in a way that we can all definitively find sad