This book is amazing. Zofia had read it and though I would like it, and turns out it was AMAZING! The book is such a page turner and I am planning on reading the whole series.
This book is amazing. Zofia had read it and though I would like it, and turns out it was AMAZING! The book is such a page turner and I am planning on reading the whole series.
I got this book on the last day of school last year after the library cleaned out gave books away for free. If anyone remebers this, @millevil000 and @Brownzof000 and me all cleaned up the free book cart on the last day. We spent HOURS looking through all of them. I read this book during singing in the rain and really liked it. The book was written a while ago, so the grammer and spelling are hard to read. Other the that, it was a good read.
I have read this book 4 times, and first found it in 4th grade. This is my all time favorite book and suggest it for anyone who likes science, or even reading in general. I think this book has a good story line and the charcters devolpment is really shown. Please go read!
I really liked this book! I think this is a book with a great message everyone should know. Plus, there are some amazing suprises that make this book even better!