“Some of the Communipaw oystermen declared that they had more than once seen him disappear, canoe and all, as if they plunged beneath the waves, and after a while come up again, in quite a different part of the bay...”
“Some of the Communipaw oystermen declared that they had more than once seen him disappear, canoe and all, as if they plunged beneath the waves, and after a while come up again, in quite a different part of the bay...”
So, I‘m brand new to the app and decided it‘s about time I post something! Sorry It‘s not the most aesthetically pleasing picture, lmao. I just got home from my first day at work and had some time to relax and read while it storms outside. I‘m not very far into this read, but I appreciate the quick and casual pace as it doesn‘t feel like there‘s been a sacrifice to the plot to achieve it. Anyway, happy reading!