"Die to this illusion of strength you've created. That's when you'll find what you've been thirsting for."
"Die to this illusion of strength you've created. That's when you'll find what you've been thirsting for."
"These bare places are invitations."
"Most of the time, we don't reach for God until we have to. Our hardest circumstances are often the ones God uses to call forth the deeper reach for Him."
"the disciple whom Jesus kept on loving."
"You need to understand... what it feels like to receive so that you can give well."
God planted me in a place I never wanted, and that's where I found what I really needed. From tiny seeds, my faith grew.
I hope that from this day forward you will leverage the awareness principle in order to keep your appetite for stuff in check.
Opting for contentment would have actually made you richer.
Even the cat loves this book!
"The Enneagram doesn't put you in a box. It shows you the box you're already in and how to get out of it."
"The Enneagram should only be used to build others up and help them advance on their journey toward wholeness and God."
"Children, as part of their developmental journey, will try as many ways as possible to get the world to go their way. The adult's job is to accept the moment as it is and respond wisely."
"Blaming blocks positive change because it focuses you on finding fault instead of finding solutions."
"Over time, the exhaustion you feel from the false dictate that you must control children's behavior will be replaced by the deep calm of knowing you must only manage yourself."
"...400 aggressive acts occur in the average elementary school classroom on an average day. Teachers intervene in about 25 percent of these acts. Early childhood classrooms have an even greater number of aggressive acts and have often been recognized as a breeding ground for aggression."
"I believe it's a good idea to pause and rethink our quick reactions to behavioral differences in the neurodiverse child. In doing so, we can begin to teach children to respect the signals from their own bodies and involve children in devising their own creative solutions that honor their individual differences."
Self care is about "staying connected to ourselves and being true to who we are and how we want to be."
"An experience of collective pain does not deliver us from grief or sadness; it is a ministry of presence. These moments remind us that we are not alone in our darkness and that our broken heart is connected to every heart that has known pain since the beginning of time."
While I found this book did contain a lot of useful information, I also found it to be quite frustrating. I am a beginning blogger and a lot of the contents didn't make sense. Acronyms were used a lot with no explanation. Often I would have to read a chapter twice in order to figure out what she wanted me to do. The "One Hour Content Plan" turned into a 2 week plan and I'm still not done. ?
"Those two scriptural principles - speaking positive words into a life and focusing on heart issues - became my essential strategy for raising Nathan."
"Let yourself be driven by your will to succeed rather than your fear of not succeeding."
"When people are in pain, they need a button... When people close to us face adversity, how do we give them a button to press? ... Simply showing up for a friend can make a huge difference."
"It is absolutely possible to be a woman after God's own heart, and still become overwhelmed with soul-sadness."