Had a wild night at home with the little guy last night. #sleepybaby #waltermelonreads #thetopshelfbookshelf
Had a wild night at home with the little guy last night. #sleepybaby #waltermelonreads #thetopshelfbookshelf
I loved this one. Couldn't put it down. At first there were a few decisions Joan, the main character, made that I couldn't understand. As I read further and really thought about it, I thought about the lengths I would go to in order to protect my son. I'm sure my choices would be shocking, but I wouldn't hesitate if it meant keeping him safe. This book was fantastic.
I read this with the little man. I liked it, but it wasn't what I expected. I generally feel that way about original fairy tales and kids' stories. They're all just a little more violent and intense than I want them to be. We'll see what Walter thinks when he's old enough to read it on his own.
I really liked this book. The twists and turns kept me hooked the whole time and I liked that not all of my questions were answered. Usually I don't like that, but this time it worked.
Getting ready to start this one. It's been on the to read list for a long time. The same can be said about most of the books on these shelves.