Unfortunately I only read one of these (hotel Moscow) and got a little over half way with another ( Around the World). Sometime in the future I'll give The other two a shot. #library #newlandsjanuary #explorers
Unfortunately I only read one of these (hotel Moscow) and got a little over half way with another ( Around the World). Sometime in the future I'll give The other two a shot. #library #newlandsjanuary #explorers
I've read some books with themes of "men who hate women" but I'm find this one to be the most painful to read. I don't know if it'd because it's a...."legal" hate(aka nothing can or will be done) or if it's because it's set in 1993.. I really hope Mrs. Carner is exaggerating parts of the book... #russia #feminism #menwhohatewomen
Just finished "Too Many Curses" and am still reading "Around the World in 80 Days". I recently started an internship at the local zoo while working (so about 58 hours a week between the two). Hopefully I can finish my library books in time and complete the four books on my "new lands/explorers" theme! #library #batsarereallycute
This was a terrific book, based in part on the author's own experience in Russia in the post Cold War years. A group of U.S. women advisers go to Moscow to help women entrepreneurs. They soon find that Russia's new freedoms are empty words and corruption, terror & bribery still are rampant.
Some parts were interesting but I found the ending confusing. I didn't love the book but I'm glad I read it.