Advent Day 5 these little books are so cute. @tpixie I think your grandkids would love these
Author: Milt Banta and Al Dempster
Illustrator: Walt Disney Studios
Genre: traditional Lit (TL)
A classic every child hears and most get to perform, the Three Little Pigs is a traditional literature story. Easily one of the most enjoyable stories for Dramatic Reenactments (DR) The Three Little Pigs is a hit in the classroom. Students just love to “Huff and Puff” as they dramatically retell this classic story. Since this is a low-level book it
Was not expecting this!! I was thinking it would be the traditional story of the three little pigs!
Finally got my hands on some of the treasure cove story books. They have a great selection on Amazon. I have a pile stashed for the toddlers birthday but cracked out these ones for story time tonight. Bambi has a couple of mistakes in but the rest were fine. Fun, quick Disney tales! 😊
He isn‘t on this cover but I always think of the Big Bad Wolf with this story! 🐷🐷🐷🐺
#junetunz (Wolves) - Three Little Pigs
#bookstagram #bookblogger #bookblog #books #bibliophile #nurseryrhyme #threelittlepigs #bigbadwolf
Was reading the little pigs with my nephew. I think I flubbed the moral though. We decided we wanted to eat at the wolf's house add he knew all our favorite pork dishes. Whoops.