I love this part because it goes along perfectly with the illustrations and shows how great of an artist Duke really was!
I love this part because it goes along perfectly with the illustrations and shows how great of an artist Duke really was!
These illustrations are incredible!! The colors and movement of the work is like seeing the music that those people were hearing!! Breathtaking!!
Published in 1998 and illustrated by Brian Pinkney, this biography about Duke Ellington is riveting in his story about becoming a musician. The illustrations are incredible and bring to life his story! The author provides a time and place to set the story and provide authenticity and accuracy within. It is filled with sources, important blurbs, and other information to detail his life!
I just like this quote “I am humble Abraham Lincoln”
because Honest Abe is all i‘ve known growing up and it really just adds to his character overall and who he was as a person!
I‘ve heard this assassination story a million times but this illustration brings such vivid images to life and is heartbreakingly powerful.
Published in 1987, this biography is about the life of Abraham Lincoln and all that happened to him. This story includes index, resources, acknowledgments, contents, and real photos to bring it all to life again! This biography is filled with dates and details in which provide accuracy and authenticity to the book and life of Lincoln!
I love this piece because it shows the nerves and excitement for this launch and how others are reacting to it as well!
Love this photo! Such a nice way to tie the information into a photo and bring it to life :)
Published in 2009, this biography of women who dared to dream was inspiring and accurate in the story of women working with NASA. Not only was this book providing the journey for these women, but also providing information on the trip, the prep, and so much more! Such an inspiring and captivating story for children to dive into!
Not too crazy of a quote but interesting to know his life was filled with romance. When I first look at this book I don‘t see that at all!
I enjoy the use of maps because it provides me with a clearer understanding of where everything is happening and taking place!
Published in 2000, this biography includes a table of contents, maps, cast of characters, and realistic illustrations to detail the life of Sir Walter Ralegh! The style of this book is clear and readable, although wordy, it was a great detailed piece into the quests and journey of Sir Walter! It was a little too long for my liking, but it is still a great story to have!
“We tried to draw people on the streets”
I like this because it shows the root of their work and the importance of their inspiration!
I love this piece because it is an illustration and looks like a photo! So powerful!
Published in 2011, this story of Allen Say‘s life is inspiring to see his journey as an artist. The incorporation of maps, real photos, realistic drawings, and so much more to encompass the culture! The incorporation of an authors note aids the reader in authentic information and dates to provide a grander picture of the overall journey and story!
“ Instead I went to college, a difficult and complete change for me, but I needed to grow and develop in new ways. And I did”
Such a strong character development, so inspiring !
I LOVE THIS!! Such a beautiful picture of a dream and goals to achieve!
Published in 2006, this biography of a ballerina is inspiring because it shows her journey from Puerto Rico to Boston and her development as a dancer! The subjects life offers interest and meaning for today‘s child because a lot of students are engaging in extra curriculars and find some similar struggles as this young girl. Maybe not as big, but similar!
Alice ate up the world!!
I love people like this! People who take life and make it great and live it to the fullest!
I love this page because it shows the many different roles of Alice and all she accomplished and loved to do! I never knew any thing about her! So fun!
Published in 2008, this biography book about Alice Roosevelt is inspiring and fun to follow along! The author created authenticity by developing Alice as a character in the world and how she viewed the world in real life. Dates were provided to provide accuracy and give the reader a frame of time to envision! There is also an authors note and other descriptions to provide further information! It was fun to read and learn about Alice!
I love this whole blurb! So inspiring and beautiful and shows perseverance, courage, and accomplishment!!
This book is accurate during the time period showing segregation!
Published in 2014, this biography book is of a dancer who started her life in a poor time and blossoms to great accomplishment! It shows struggle, triumph, and so much more! The author created authenticity and accuracy by including time periods with dates, accurate descriptions of how people are treated during those times, and sheds light on perseverance!
I love this page! The quote “some as high as sixteen feet, spilled into the streets”
I can vividly imagine the balloons filling the streets of New York! I love it!
I love this page! The color is so bright and beautiful! It truly brings the parade to life!
Published in 2011, this biography book is created with gouache, collage, and mixed media to bring the story of an individual to life! This authentic story of Tony Sarg was inspiring to learn about how the Thanksgiving Macy‘s Parade came about and how it was run! The author naturally included background material into this fun story and I loved reading it!
“By accident Joe and Bob had invented a totally new color”
I love this!! Even when you‘re least expecting it you can create something new and do great things!
I love this incorporation in the book because it provides info on fluorescence and I never knew about all of this!
Published in 2009, this biography is a real life story that is about brothers who create glow colors and brightened everything! It includes information about fluorescence and daylight fluorescence to develop further insight for the reader! There are accurate dates and information to provide authenticity for the story and accuracy!
I like this image and quote because I didn‘t know they could grow a new tail and I also didn‘t know what it would look like!!
Love the incorporation of this learn more page because as a future teacher if I want to teach a lesson on lizards I can not only read this book to my class, but also look in these resources for further examples to show my class!
Published in 2008, this nonfiction book includes real photos of lizards in which help children understand and learn about the many different aspects of a lizard! It includes an index, table of contents, some words to know before diving into the book, some questions to prompt reading, book, websites, and captions to learn more! The book is colorful and interesting to captivate readers and help them gain more knowledge on this creature!
I love the use of this to show children animals they might not be familiar with and provide them with some information on it!
Published in 2011, this nonfiction book includes illustrations made by torn and cut paper collage to show detail and draw children into not only the picture but the text as well. This book includes a plethora of animals and descriptions of them for children to learn a little about each! It also includes captions and questions, and different fonts to draw attention to certain words or phrases!
A different kind of quote but I enjoy these captions that provide me with more information on what i‘m seeing and reading!
I like this visual aid and how it helps me imagine where these animals are living and their life there!
Published in 2018, this nonfiction book includes a table of contents, captions, maps, real photos, diagrams, authors note, fun fact page, timeline, sources, glossary, and a section to find out more! There is also an index that provides sections within the book to be further looked at!This nonfiction book also includes lots of photos to draw children in and help the understand the information they‘re reading!
I love this! Something as simple as a tree can bring so much use to the world and provide so much happiness!! It‘s amazing all that trees can do for us and we don‘t even realize!
I love this page that dives into trees further and provides more information for children beyond the basics!
Published in 2010 and illustrated by Rebecca Gibbon, this nonfiction book is all about trees! It includes descriptions, names and ages, height information, where the trees are located, how to help grow trees, and also references and a bibliography!! It is filled with information and resources to describe and help children learn about trees in a fun accurate way!
I like this whole piece because it dives into the importance of beautiful canyons like this! It also provides some knowledge before the book continues!
I love this rock layer diagram to help guide me as I read! It is helpful to understand the makeup of this beautiful creation and learn more about its structure!
Published in 2017, this nonfiction book includes illustrations created by pen and ink, watercolor, and gouache. The illustrations include realistic features for children to understand and dive deeper into! The pages include sediment layer diagrams, maps, fossils, and other things included in the grand canyon! The captions and labels also help the children identify things within the story! It also includes different animals living near the canyon!
This quote is more of me bringing attention to the onomatopoeia!! Love it!
I love the use of captions to dive deeper into what‘s being discussed in the story!
Published in 2016 and illustrated by Jonny Lambert, this nonfiction book is more of a story with small captions to dive deeper into the stories content! It involves a lot of onomatopoeias throughout the pages to bring life to the animals and environment the children are reading about! The illustrations are also very vibrant to catch the attention of young readers!
This quote is important because not only are ladybugs a beautiful insect, they‘re also extremely helpful to our environment and should be protected!
I think this breakdown is interesting because I didn‘t know there were this many types of ladybugs!!