#GoldenYears #SeptemBowie
This is on my TBR since picking it up at a used book sale. I love historical fiction, especially when this includes the "golden age" of #art
#Renaissance #DaVinci ??️
@Marchpane @Cinfhen
#GoldenYears #SeptemBowie
This is on my TBR since picking it up at a used book sale. I love historical fiction, especially when this includes the "golden age" of #art
#Renaissance #DaVinci ??️
@Marchpane @Cinfhen
I love historical fiction...especially when involves art!
#seasonsreadings2016 #artrelatedbooks Leonardo's Swans is an engaging fictional story about two sisters being painted by Leonardo DaVinci. The book below is a book on painting in German. I used to paint but haven't in so many years. But the book is so large and beautiful I must keep it! (I'm a book hoarder😜)
Il cigno sa quando è la sua ora, sa che tutte le cose di questo mondo non sono che un dono effimero. Questo fatto ineluttabile sfugge solo agli esseri umani. Non appena il povero mortale è sicuro del suo potere e del suo successo, viene distrutto da forze più grandi di lui