Ending the day with tea 🍵 and Firoozeh Dumas 😊
Ending the day with tea 🍵 and Firoozeh Dumas 😊
So I was in Paris for the New Year and FINALLY went to Shakespeare & Co. ....twice 😜 the first time we went, it was a 20 min wait just to get in. But then we went back a couple days later and walked right in. (Do not go on a Saturday if you can avoid it) I was in heaven. Bought a total of 7 books and cannot wait to go again. ♥️ asked the woman at the register what it‘s like to work there - her response “exactly as you would expect, it‘s awesome“
Oooooooooiiiiiweeeeee this baby is thick and going to take me a year to read lol. 1319 pages 🤪
I know I‘m late to the game on this book but I Loved Homegoing even though I felt like my heart broke a few times reading it. I only wish we would have spent more time with each character. In other news, this stack of books were all my January reads! 8 books in a month is a record for me! When the Moon is Low was also a superb story about a family fleeing their home for a better life.
So in love with my little collection of World Cloud Classics ? The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, The Odyssey, Alice‘s Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass, Great Ecpectations, Les Misérables, The Jungle Book, Moby Dick, Anne of Green Gables, Treasure Island and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn ?
Nothing especially shattering but it does open the eyes a little for those who have never been afflicted with depression. I could identify with parts..a short read if you wish to understand a little more.
I enjoyed David‘s story very much and it really kicked my Fernweh into overdrive ⛵️🥘also made me hungry! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
At work like........wishing I could be home reading instead 😫
#currentlyreading So far really enjoying David Shalleck memoir about being the chef on a yacht. if you enjoy food and travels, I totally recommend this one😊
Well, I loved some of the stories (this is a book of short stories-I never knew that) but others bored me to sleep. The stories I loved were all the Mowgli stories as well as Rikki Tikki Tavi and The White Seal get five stars but the others between 2 & 3 so it‘s very hard to rate it as a whole...
Book haul 💕especially looking forward to My Struggle by Karl Ove Knausgaard
Whoa...that was a ride! Woke up and started this book...13 hours later I finished it...(I don‘t normally read very fast, but Dan Brown has a way of keeping my eyes plastered to his books) I like the book very much and don‘t want to ruin it for anyone so I‘ll just say that while his other books had my heart racing faster, this is a very interesting....idea😉
I thought this book was going to be something quite different than what I read. Don‘t misunderstand me, I didn‘t think it a bad book. It wasn‘t what I thought it would be is all. It was a nice book and I loved very much the main character, Mr. Fickry. But I didn‘t love the story. It was...typical and predictable.
Heavy topics in comic strip format (graphic novel?) it was a quick read but not necessarily “easy” I felt the weight of her world on my shoulders while reading and so happy I saw the reviews here over time that made me decide to read. Accidentally bought two copies so gave one to my friend so I have already recommended 🙂
I loved this book. While I can easily imagine that if someone is not all that interested in life in Africa that it can seem dry and dull, I felt so much life in it. I admit that I‘m worried about the movie ruining the book in this case since the movie made it a romance even though there was no romance at all in the book. Thus, I will not watch it (even though I adore Meryl Streep)
Hannah Hart cracks me up on her YouTube show “My Drunk Kitchen” so when I bought this book, I sort of assumed I would be laughing at the puns and jokes she tells but instead I really got to know and understand her in a way that made me even feel like I connected with her. Love her even more now.
While I took a lot from the book, there was a whole chapter that I couldn‘t follow...still, I was glad I read it and would recommend to those who are interested in feminism books.
I‘ve been saying this for years 😊
Wholeheartedly love Caitlin Moran. A gloriously quiet (minus my out loud chuckling) and happy Sunday
#currentlyreading can you tell I am stuck on travel books? 😜 I can't help it, I love feeling like I'm traveling through the story of another..since I still have another 40 days until my next trip🌴
I thought this book was fantastic! It wasn't at all what I wanted it to be or what I was looking for but I was laughing and thinking "I'm so glad I chose this book!" Geraldine is hilarious, honest and pretty witty in my opinion.
Really loved how I felt like I understood a little more about South Africa and growing up there. Very well written and funny! Trevor had me laughing and thinking at the same time😄
A good travel book, and a relatable story about "what do I want to do with my life" but I have read other travel books that I enjoyed much more..
Being a wanderlusting gal, I loved this book and enjoyed how their friendship grew through thick and thin. I could have kept reading this one for another couple hundred pages
A very quick and short read that has me wanting to know more but I would have called it 7 brief tidbits because I didn't get a lesson out of them...still had me intrigued to learn more about physics though so I'll say it is a pick
While I didn't feel this book did much in the way of teaching me anything, it still piqued my interest to read more about physics..
I truly loved this book and though the girls said they shortened it from its original length in order to be readable, I wished it would have gone on longer. I live for traveling and this kicked my wanderlust into high gear.
An afternoon cocktail with a side of Physics...seems legit to me. 😜...
Thank you @Ambrosnazzy !! Looking forward to a weekend of partying!! 😁
#marchintoreading #didntlikestillfinished - The Man Who Quit Money just never got interesting for me. It was short enough to get through hoping for something but it just drug me through a dull story about a guy mooching off society. I have since donated the book.
I had posted about this one before I think but for the sake of #marchintoreading #recentnonfictionread here is a recent one I read and adored. It is a seriously hilarious book but also a great comfort for those that have depression and anxiety.
"Ninety-nine zillion, Nine Trillion and two creatures are sleeping! So...How about you?" Good night Littens??✨
#bookmail 😍 these two could NOT be more different 😆but so excited about both! I was addicted to Brian Cox on his series..And I am developing quite a love for Phoebe and her Unicorn 🦄
#marchintoreading #judgedbyitscover so I've only read Memories of My Melancholy Whores years ago and I remember little but I think it was an example of reading a book at the wrong time. Might have to reread. The other three I did look at because of the cover but I genuinely am interested in what they are about.
Yay💃🏼❤️thank you to everyone for the comfort you give, the laughter and the love of books. I'm in very good company 😊😁 ....I would like to thank the Academy and my parents....haha kidding😆
#marchintoreading #marchtbr ambitious for me but really hoping to read these this month! 😁
#riotgrams #bookishconfessions I buy some books knowing that I am going to read them later in life. I am currently reading books I bought well over ten years ago..I also know when a book is something I'll like but that timing is important. Plus, i think some will be more enjoyable when I am older and have more time to really absorb them. I know I sound crazy lol😜
#feistyfeb #bestoffebruary these were my favorites from February ☺️I am not a fast reader so it was actually quite an accomplishment to read 6 books this month! (Didn't list all that I read)
#bookmail 😍😁 I am so exited about these!!
#feistyfeb #australianauthors turns out I have 3! Haven't read The Thorn Birds yet (not even sure it's my cup of tea) but the other two were great!😊
#feistyfeb #internationalcrime these two come racing to mind. Also, I don't read many crime novels 😉