Getting through this book feels so refreshing
Sort of a mix of Jane Austen and John Kennedy Toole. The really unlikable MC was so vain, so egotistical, so shallow, so uncompassionate, so unempathetic, so DEAD, and astoundingly funny in the way complete buffoons are. Nothing much happens and the MC is irredeemable, but the journey of this story was quite enjoyable. I enjoyed this book very much! I think Machado de Assis might be my first Brazilian author. A good start! 😊
#firstlinefridays @ShyBookOwl
This is more than one sentence, but it absolutely gives you everything you need to know about this narrator. He‘s dead. He‘s definitely got an outsized opinion of himself! He‘s definitely going to talk down at you! This book is bananapants crazy! 😂👍
Witty, modern, sarcastic, unapologetic, occasionally profound, and able to elicit laughter, eye-rolling, and knowing smiles of agreement tinged with amusement, this novel, written in 1880 by one of Brazil‘s greatest authors, is a marvel. Having just died, Brás Cubas, the titular character, decides to write the story of his life. What unfolds, with little rhyme or reason and lots of digressions, is well worth a read. Highly recommended.
In this week‘s edition of “my husband really gets me...” Every so often, my husband comes across a book he thinks I might like and invariably said book shows up on our doorstep shortly thereafter. Super excited about this one—I‘ve heard a lot of good things about it.
Read in The New Yorker: https://apple.news/APgylGs4WQ1avL_JGQC1yeQ
This is the story of the Brazilian Bras Cubas, as told by himself after his death. The most he has achieved during his lifetime are the facts that he never had to work and never had children to pass on the burden of living life in this world.
In the meantime, he is unable to marry, to become a minister, to edit a newspaper succesfully and to patent some kind of miracle plaster. #1001books
My recommendation for #bookssetinsouthamerica Probably Paulo Coelho is the most famous/read Brazilian author, but Machado de Assis is a classic of Brazilian literature. The title is self-explanatory :P "I am not exactly a writer who is dead but a dead man who is a writer". #southamerica #day2