Ok, my #taken #Quotsy isn‘t from a book but I can‘t help it - every time I think of taken I think of the movie and Liam‘s delivery of these lines and I‘m giddy because he‘s such a badass. #sorrynotsorry #QuotsyJuly18 #LitsyQuoteChallenge
Ok, my #taken #Quotsy isn‘t from a book but I can‘t help it - every time I think of taken I think of the movie and Liam‘s delivery of these lines and I‘m giddy because he‘s such a badass. #sorrynotsorry #QuotsyJuly18 #LitsyQuoteChallenge
Bk15 in Elvis Cole/Joe Pike is about people smuggling across the border between the US & Mexico.Elvis is hired to find a college student after she goes missing. He tracks them to a known crossover point for the coyotes who bring illegals up through the desert,but then he goes missing as well.Pike & Jon Stone go on the hunt to find the bajadores,bandits who steal the illegals from the coyotes to ransom them to their families,before Elvis is killed.
Moving right along to Bk15 in Elvis Cole/Joe Pike. Elvis is hired by Nita Morales to find her missing adult daughter. Though she's gotten a ransom demand, she doesn't believe it for a second, instead convinced she's run off with her boyfriend & the demand is because they need cash. She is very wrong. They've both been taken by bajadores, bandits who prey on anyone & everyone,trading drugs,guns & people like objects. Now Cole & Pike must find them.
#booktober #day13 #bestsidekick The best sidekick ever in my opinion is Joe Pike. A man of few words, slightly over attached to his armaments, if you're in a sticky situation he's the man you want in your corner. Capable of taking out bad guys with a pencil, he may not be a great conversationalist but if you have mercenaries taking pot shots at you, he doesn't need to be. Love love ❤️ these books so much, he's the perfect sidekick for Elvis Cole.