You know the current events around us are getting to you when your reaction to such a statement is “REALLY?? What planet does this guy live on?” 🤔 and your head nearly explodes.... 🤯
You know the current events around us are getting to you when your reaction to such a statement is “REALLY?? What planet does this guy live on?” 🤔 and your head nearly explodes.... 🤯
Your words of kindness can inspire others, rescue them from despair, and reconcile them with life. Or, at the very least, you will left their spirits and make their day more endurable.
Being inclusive means applying the principle of respect for persons to all persons.
We are ineffective listeners when we let our past experiences interfere with the attention we should give to our present moments.
Attention looks two ways: outward and inward. As it checks the world, it checks our souls. It is up to us to put to good use it‘s inexhaustible wealth of information. When we manage to do that, we are at our best and live life to the fullest.
When we slow down the pace of attention we do justice to life by taking it seriously. When we pay attention we do justice to the presence of others in our lives.
Only after we notice the world can we begin to care for it.
“We hear of a future where relationships are key and people are valued, where not just the task well performed but the life well lived is what counts.”
~Frances Hesselbein~
A return to manners! How delightful and necessary. Told in an upfront and clear style it would be wise for many to read his words and follow suit. I learned a few things and sometimes it was nice to have an idea clearly spelled out.
I think I do this pretty well, but I own this book and haven't read it. So why not now?
#NonfictionNovember #IfNotNowWhen