Master Passion, the Story of Alexander and Elizabeth Hamilton | Juliet Waldron
A Master Passion is the story of the marriage - called by some a misalliance - of Alexander Hamilton, our First Secretary of the Treasury, and Betsy Schuyler. Although born poor and illegitimate, Hamilton courts the daughter of Major General Schuyler, an American princess. Hamilton is one of a trinity of Founders who seem to have been created on purpose to invent our nation. Like all mission-driven men, he is preoccupied, often absent, and not the best provider. The trials of making ends meet and raising an ever growing troop of children are Betsy's. This woman-behind-the-man is barely known, but through war, Indian attacks, multiple births, epidemics, infidelity, unending politics and dire tragedy, Betsy is the force which holds the family together. Conflict is built into this marriage. It does not simply spring from Alexander's childhood experience of bastardy, abuse and abandonment. To quote Alexander Pope, his favorite poet: And hence one master passion in the breast, Like Aaron's serpent, swallows up the rest. Betsy's passion is Alexander, but, sometimes, even more than this wife, Alexander loves America.