A very complicated plot and the needless killing off of my favorite character made this a slow read. At least the woman in this one (yes, there was basically only one) was more complex.
A very complicated plot and the needless killing off of my favorite character made this a slow read. At least the woman in this one (yes, there was basically only one) was more complex.
An espionage caper set in the Russo-Turkish war. I love Boris Akunin's playful take on the spy genre, mix of Russian and other European influences and the Holmes-esque character of Erast Fandorin. But this is told from the point of view of Varya, at the war to find her fiancé, & Akunin portrays her as a silly (if plucky) woman without any real agency. And I prefer his books set in Moscow or St Petersburg to the war fields setting. Good ending.
Good rainy day reading weather. I love Boris Akunin's irreverence (& the synchronicity of reading this after Cry, Mother Spain, which mentioned Bakunin often) so hoping this will be a good light read. #bookandcoffee
#notinEnglish my favorite collection of modern detective stories by Boris Akunin. I own all of them but these are the ones I currently have with me. Most of them are translated from Russian to English. And they are amazing! #seasonsreadings2016