Bath bomb and book from the lovely butch who is off gallivanting across Belize. Champagne because the bottle was festive. Hope each of you is getting your Valentine‘s on however feels most loving to you 🥰
Bath bomb and book from the lovely butch who is off gallivanting across Belize. Champagne because the bottle was festive. Hope each of you is getting your Valentine‘s on however feels most loving to you 🥰
Killing the gift-giving game once again, @brandybear22 tracked down a (hardcover!) copy of this out-of-print title after I tagged it in a post here about an essay quoted in another book, that was published in this one. I don‘t know that I‘ve ever been more pleased with a book I‘ve received as a present. 🥰 #queerbooks #butchfemme
As Maggie Nelson declined to cite her source for this quote, I thought I‘d help her out. “To be femme is to give honor where there has been shame.” — Mykel Johnson, quoted in context in the tagged book, which has been on my wishlist (and out of print) for over a decade.