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Dragon Prince
Dragon Prince | Melanie Rawn
In this unsettled world, the death of the ruler of the desert princedom becomes the catalyst for power games of magical treachery as rival factions - from the evil High Prince to the leader of the Sunrunners to the newly crowned Prince of the Desert - seek to alter the course of their world.
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Dragon Prince | Melanie Rawn
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I love fantasy romance so I always enjoy Melanie Rawn's stories.

#Dragons #fantasy #swordandsorcery #epicfantasy

Chrissyreadit I had forgotten about these books- which is crazy because this is a great series. 2y
johncadams @Chrissyreadit There's so much good stuff out there from years back. 2y
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Dragon Prince | Melanie Rawn
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Chapter 11.
The story so far has been quite interesting and quick, although, in my opinion, it does feel like the author is trying a little too hard to convince the reader of her characters intelligence. But this is just what I felt when I was reading. Overall the story is fun and engrossing.

TheBookKeepers omg your kitty is so precious!! 5y
MercurialMirror @TheBookKeepers Thank you. Someone dumped him, and he decided that he will walk through my gate and into my house and stay. XD 5y
TheBookKeepers awww poor guy! Happy he has a safe and snuggly home with you!! 5y
MercurialMirror @TheBookKeepers Aaaaw thank you. I think he has made my home more snuggly. XD 5y
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Dragon Prince | Melanie Rawn
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Found this book whilst strolling through the comments on discord. It is proving to be the quite the find.

The story follows a young prince struggling to keep a hold of the kingdom he has just inherited, and his young wife who is well versed in the magical arts. And as the title states, there are DRAGONS!

TheBookKeepers That sounds good! Stacking it :D Also - welcome to litsy! #welcometolitsy @litsywelcomewagon 5y
MercurialMirror @TheBookKeepers Thanks for the welcome :D And I hope you enjoy reading the book. 5y
LitsyWelcomeWagon Welcome to Litsy! Here are links to #Litsytips: http://bit.ly/litsytips and #LitsyHowTo videos: goo.gl/UrCpoU. There‘s lots of fun things to do: book exchanges, buddy reads, photo challenges and more! @litsywelcomewagon 5y
Nute Welcome to Litsy! It‘s a warm and friendly community. I know that you will enjoy yourself here. I‘m looking forward to getting to know you!🙂 5y
MercurialMirror @Nute Thank you for the welcome, and I look forward to getting to know you too. 😀 5y
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Dragon Prince | Melanie Rawn

I finished Dragon Prince and I was just hooked right to the end (again, as I am every time I read it).

Now reading Warhost of Vastmark by Janny Wurts!

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Dragon Prince | Melanie Rawn

About sixty percent of the way through this, and I'm loving this every bit as much as the first time I read this decades ago! So glad I found a few hours to return to an old favourite, and I'm now wondering why it took me so long.

So many books out there!

Slajaunie Welcome to Litsy! 📖📚💙 5y
CoffeeNBooks Welcome to Litsy! 📚 5y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Welcome to Litsy 💖📖💖 5y
rretzler Welcome to Litsy! 📖 5y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 🤗👏🏻 5y
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Dragon Prince | Melanie Rawn

Re-reading this for the hundredth time, and loving it every bit as much as I did the first time I read it all those years ago. Some books just do that you!

RaimeyGallant Good to know! And welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon Some of us put together Litsy tips to help new Littens navigate the site. It's the link in my bio on my page in case you need it. Or if you prefer how-to videos, @chelleo put some together at the link in her bio. @LitsyWelcomeWagon 5y
LitsyWelcomeWagon Welcome to Litsy! Here are direct links to #Litsytips: http://bit.ly/litsytips and #LitsyHowTo videos: goo.gl/UrCpoU. There‘s lots of fun things to do: book exchanges, buddy reads, photo challenges and more! 5y
johncadams Thanks guys! You're the best! I'm feeling really welcome!
And so ready to find out more about what you're all reading and share my current reading.
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Dragon Prince | Melanie Rawn
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I started this series when it came out, I was a teenager at the time and was into fantasy books. It's been a very long time since I have read it. When I found all 6 books for Kindle I was beyond thrilled and have begun to rediscover them all over again. What series did you love growing up?

TrishB I loved sci go in my teens - especially Philip K Dick - but they‘re not really my thing anymore - though I absolutely loved them then. 7y
AmandaL I loved Madeline L'Engle. Reading her series led me to C.S. Lewis and Lloyd Alexander, then Tolkien, then the Dune series. However, I just finished A Wrinkle in Time again for the first time in 30 years, and though I wound up really enjoying the end, there were moments where I couldn't believe I had loved the book. There was a lot of paternalistic b.s. coming out of Calvin's mouth. 😁 7y
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Dragon Prince | Melanie Rawn
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#photoadaynov16 #herebedragons
I thought about posting The Hobbit, Harry Potter, or even GoT, but decided on this series I read when I was 15 and then again recently.
There are those with magic (sunrunners) and those without, and politics clash between kingdoms and Sunrunners. Dragons figure heavily, first as a hunt and then as friends and allies. (Looking back, the dragon element is like How to Train Your Dragon for adults.)

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Dragon Prince | Melanie Rawn
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#herebedragons - complete with a homemade dragon my grandma made before I was even born.
I devoured this series in my younger years. I couldn't get enough of the world, and reread all of them more then once. 🐉🐲

annkuch13 I have these on my tbr shelf. I'll have to move them higher up the list! 8y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag ❤️ the covers! (Great photo) 8y
JPeterson @annkuch13 Its everything fantasy books written in the 1980s-1990s can be, and so much more. 😄🐉 @thegirlwiththelibrarybag Thanks! The covers are fantastic, they make me laugh every time! 8y
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Dragon Prince | Melanie Rawn
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Less than 100 pages to go! Things got dark... I can only imagine what book 2 has in store for me.

Dragon Prince | Melanie Rawn
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100 pages in, and the story is starting to pick up! Perfect reading for this grey morning in Los Angeles.

Dragon Prince | Melanie Rawn
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Let summer reading commence.