I am about 75% through this audiobook and I just can‘t take anymore. With the war in Gaza now and atrocities happening there, I just can‘t listen to another minute of how the Israelis have been doing this for time immemorial. I just can‘t. 😢💔
I am about 75% through this audiobook and I just can‘t take anymore. With the war in Gaza now and atrocities happening there, I just can‘t listen to another minute of how the Israelis have been doing this for time immemorial. I just can‘t. 😢💔
Between 1947 & 1949, over 400 Palestinian villages were deliberately destroyed, civilians massacred and around a million men, women, & children were expelled from their homes at gunpoint. Had this happened today it could only have been called 'ethnic cleansing'. Debunking the myth that the Palestinians left of their own accord, Pappe offers impressive evidence to demonstrate that Israel‘s founding ideology was forcible removal of Palestinians.
Listening to the audiobook version. I realize that if I am to make any progress in handwork and reading I‘ll need to do both at the same time.
This book surprised me I didn‘t know that this had happened opened my eyes a little