Love a bookish list.
“Now I think the best thing I‘ve done in recent years has been to drink a lot of beer and reread certain books...”
Slowreading this is perfect on my way to work. Alejandro Zambra really has a way with words ;-)
Beautiful observations about the act of reading and how we escape in books and stories #currentlyreading
Time to brush up on my Spanish reading skills! #currentlyreading
"Ahora pienso que es bueno perder la confianza en el suelo, que es necesario saber que de un momento a otro todo puede venirse abajo."
The impossible task of winnowing the vacation stack. We'll only be gone 2 weeks. Some of these have to stay behind.
This book has an intriguing alternating structure that switches between the narrative and the writer, and then blends and echoes as Zambra interrogates the relationship between life and fiction, art and reality. Full review: https://goo.gl/f8lcPA
Participated in Diverse Book Tag, and discovered a hole the size of a continent in my reading history. Time to read some books about Latin America: https:/:goo.gl/5L5aFZ
The initial story deals with fictional characters that another character (Zambra?) is writing. The novel splits between the two narratives and they inform the other.