🎶🎼🎵🎤📻❤️ #velvet #QuotsyFeb19
Latest finish for #gilmoregirlsreadingchallenge. I'd never heard of this band and am definitely not interested in rock theory or criticism, so expectations were low. LOL It was okay, though, and also helped my #litsyatoz efforts, starting with a V and all.
I also finished Oliver Twist and it was really good if you can ignore the anti-Semitism. 🙄 Reading Madam Bovary now and its excellent so far.
This book is a great piece of music journalism, making an interesting analysis of this iconic album in rock history. While I don‘t know a lot about music, I did enjoy reading about the cultural repercussions of this work. Also, Nico was an icon and deserves to be remembered more often.