My library decorated for the season.
My library decorated for the season.
My last #bestoflists2017 is #voices. Lots of different ones, but all strong and clear. https://trishtalkstexts.wordpress.com/2017/12/24/lists-best-of-2017-voices/ Off to make pasta for lasagna #xmaslunch I hope everyone's next couple of days are full of joy and family. #seasonsgreeting #bestbooks2017 #trishtalkstexts
A really cute story about families, how one is made, and what it means to be in one.
A YA novel about the meaning of family in unusual circumstances 👍🏼
Hollis and Milo have a lot in common: unmanageable hair, bushy eyebrows, and lesbian moms. Oh, and they come from the same sperm donor. Hollis has no interest in her biological father, but Milo is determined to find him. Along the way, these half-siblings discover that they're not the only products of Donor 9677. But could contacting a man who merely contributed his sperm to a lab result in unforeseen consequences?